05. Lost and Found

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Sorry if it's a sucky chapter /: enjoy the edit though <3 (:


I was walking along a sidewalk as a faint wind started to stir up, ruffling my hair. Tilting my head up to the sky, I noticed black clouds swarmed above me, blocking out the light blue cascading down to the horizons. Sensing a sudden displeasure in the area, I picked up my pace, speed walking down the unknown path. I didn't actually know where I was going, but if I stayed any longer the feeling would probably grow to a point that would start to make me feel nauseous.

The sudden pressure of eyes on my back made me freeze up, and I couldn't move my legs anymore. Frozen in spot, I started to panic.

"Come out!" I yell, trying not to let my voice waver.

A dark shadow stretched out in front of me, a dark liquidly substance pooling out of it like water. I watched in horror as it found its way to my feet, and licked the edge of my feet. My mouth wouldn't cooperate with me as I tried to yell out, so I tried to jerk away from the substance. A deep laugh echoed in my ears, and I darted my eyes across the seemingly black hallways. As it got louder, adrenaline seemed to start pumping through my veins, and I finally was released from my spot under the gooey stuff. I turned on my heels and broke into a sprint, running down the seemingly endless sidewalk. A street appeared to my right, so I turned and ran across it, safely reaching the other side. The echoes of laughter followed me, and pounded in my ears.

"Go away!" I screeched, swatting against my head. My heart pounded against my chest and endless energy bubbled under my skin to the point I wanted to rip it off just to get away from the sensation.

Heat licked at the back of my neck, and I fumbled on my feet. Black dots appeared in my eyes, and I fell against a brick wall to my left. I tried to get back up on my feet but only ended up falling face first on the concrete. The laughter builded up to the point where I thought I would go insane.

"Let me go!" I whimper, gripping my hair in my hands. I found some of the energy in me and started to crawl away from where I thought the laughter was coming from. A crackle of lightning made me stop dead in my tracks, and I jumped from the noise.

After that everything seemed to still, and I held my breath. Every second that passed after that felt like a timer, and everything was going to blow up if I made any sudden movements. Where was everyone? Where were the cars on the street and the birds on the lamp posts?

The only thing that seemed to make noise was my heart, thumping inhumanly loud against my chest.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly make my way to my feet as the black dots escape my vision of sight. The silence continued on, so I dared to take a step forward.

I was flung to the ground as my foot touched the concrete, a sudden weight crushing my spine to the ground. I let out a hiss, digging my nails into my palms.

"Hello, Hazel." A voice breathed on my neck. I would know that voice from anywhere, one that would haunt me to the end of my days.

I gasp. Harrison.


"Help me! Help me!" I sob, keeping my eyes closed as I try to break free from an invisible force holding me down on the bed.

"Hazel! Hazel, snap out of it!" November pleads, his voice instantly calming me.

I open my eyes as his grip on my wrists loosens, and I notice the tears that were streaming down my face. November's expression went from worried to relieved when I blinked several times and wiped my tears away.

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