17. Empty Heart

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Media - Kaleb 😏

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I liked writing from Kaleb's point of view just because he's a lot different than most of the other characters(:

Xoxo auna :{))


~ Kaleb - 2 days before ~

"Whiskey or ginger?" Harrison asked as he stood over the cupboard, his arms draped over the cabinet doors in a relaxed manner.

"Both." I answer, setting my empty glass down on the table. I kick my feet up on the counter and lean back in my chair as he gets the glasses out of the cupboard and brings them over to the table.

"Both it is," Harrison pops both open, and fixes to glasses full of the booze. I was already feeling the buzz in my stomach from previous liquor, but it wasn't enough.

It was never enough.

He pushes the two glasses towards me, and I take the one on the left. Tipping it back, I take several gulps and relish the burning sensation as it travels down my throat.

Harrison's deep laugh settles in the air as I place the now empty glass on the table and take the next full one.

"You are much more fun than my son, November." He says, watching me finish the second cup of booze. "Even at a younger age."

"I'm only three years younger than him." I reply hastily. I didn't want to be judged around that blind piece of shit.

"Exactly." Harrison says, tipping his own drink towards me. "And you're not even of drinking age. I like that rebel-side in you."

"All day, everyday." I reply, twirling the empty cup around in my hand. The tingly liquid was settling well in my stomach and I needed more.

"I wish I had had a son like you."

"Damn right." I mutter, becoming bored.

Getting up, I take the cup in my hands and refill it with the whiskey. After I finish that glass, I feel the urge to go out somewhere.

"Hey, I'm going to go out for awhile." I say, setting my glasses on the counter next to the sink.

Harrison watches me to the hallway leading out to the kitchen before answering. "Okay. Be back by 5 a.m."

"Will do." I reply, taking my keys off the key rack. I twirl them on my pointer finger as I exit the house and inhale the cooling air.

Soon the air would freeze, and snow will fall from the sky. I always liked winter because it gave me an excuse to not go outside and do anything. That way I couldn't disappoint my father, who would hurt my mother or myself if I dare do anything he didn't like. That was until my mother...

Opening the car door, I ignite the ignition with my keys and settle my foot on the petal as the car thrums to life. I would let my mind take me wherever, I just needed to forget for awhile and let go of everything.

Shifting out of the driveway, I take off in a random direction and I decided I was going to head somewhere were I felt safe, and cared for.

As soon as I pulled up to the night club, the music already pounded in my ears from outside. I went through the back and scraped by the bouncers. I knew this place too well to be caught without an ID.

I was greeted by my friend Jared, who worked the bar.

"Hey, Kaleb!" He shouted over the music as I seated myself in front of him. "Haven't seen you in awhile, what's been going on?" Jared leaned over the counter with interest.

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