08. Her Red Coat

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Omg guys I just now realized that I used two names from tfios I'm so stupid I'm legit dying of laughter omg. I never realized I seriously just thought up of Grace while I was writing her lol. I really need help okay I'm done talking sorry I just had to point this out.

Auna :{)) << mustache man has gained a double chin because I fed him too many donuts.


My gaze shifted to the familiar small vintage shop on the side of the road, a small blue sign hanging from the porch like a necklace.

"Surprise!" Grace cheered, her smile big enough to make anyone's mood positive.

I felt my heart leap in my chest at the sight of the coffee shop. Since I had lived in Elgin, it had been a bit of a drive but totally worth it. I had originally found the world famous coffee shop online and knew I had to go there. Ever since then Grace and I were obsessed.

Squealing in delight I was in a rush to get out of the car as she parked it in front of the place. I hugged her when she got out and thanked her bunches. She laughed and shoved me away. "Get on in there!"

Walking in was like greeting my home. I never thought I would miss this place so much as I scooted down the wooden floor towards the front. Lizz, the barista, looked up from her work on the counter. She was always here and served us when we came. Lizz was also our age, so it made it ten times better. A smile burst on her face and she frantically climbed over the counter just to hug me.

"Hazel, thank The Lord." She cried into my shoulder. I hugged her back tightly while closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "I thought I was never going to see you again!" Pulling away I instantly notice the tears springing up in her eyes.

"I'm here now." I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. Thankfully there wasn't any other customers at the moment so they wouldn't try to listen in on the awkward conversation.

She smiled weakly and beckoned us both towards the counter. "I'm so glad you are." Jumping back over the counter she gleams at us while placing her hands on the edge of the granite.

"So what do you girls want today?" Lizz starts causally as if she never said anything. I glance over at Grace who gave me a warm smile.

"I'll have a vanilla iced tea please." I say, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth. At the moment I wished I had brought a jacket for this dress because the temperature in the room suddenly seemed to drop. Grace came to stand beside me, providing a little bit of warmth but not enough.

As she told Lizz her order I suddenly felt eyes boring into my back, making a shiver run down my spine. The cold wasn't helping. I shifted uneasily on my feet as Lizz got down our orders and started off to make them. Grace tapped me on the shoulder, making me jump out of my lucid state.

"Let's get a seat." Grace says, gently grabbing my arm to lead me to a table by the window. I follow her quickly, noticing the woman who walked into the coffee house.

She had long blonde hair that was pinned up on her head and a long expensive coat draped over her shoulders. She gave me a small smile as I walked past her, and I smiled warily back.

My nerves were getting to me, and I scolded myself for it. It was just a lady coming in for coffee before work.

Grace opened up my seat for me and I thanked her as I sat down. My hands immediately found my shoulders and I rubbed them along my chilled skin.

"Is it cold in here to you?" I ask, glancing over at Lizz who was currently finishing up Grace's latte.

Grace shook her head slowly. "Not really, but I'm not the one wearing a dress." She laughed, putting her hands in her lap.

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