chapter twelve

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" Who's there?" Abbie went to answer the knock on her door.
"I believe Jasmine leaves here. You must be her friend", He said.
" And who are you?" Abbie asked.
"I am leonard, He said smiling.
" I don't know where she stays at the moment, she doesn't stay here no more", Abbie replied.
"Wow! I didn't know she moved", Leo said
"What is your relationship with Jaz. So you know she doesn't keep friends", Abbie asked.
"Well then tell her, i am a very big fan of hers", Leo smiled and left.
" Fan! I didn't know Jaz is now a pop star", she said closing the door
Later that evening Jaz came to pick her remaining belongings, she met Abbie at home. She was avoiding her concerning their last argument. "I won't be staying, i just want my belongings", Jaz said avoiding eye contact with Abbie.
"Somebody dropped by, a guy to be precise. His name is Leonard", Abbie said.
"What does he look like. I don't no anybody with that name", Jaz was confused. She never kept friends, even Evelyn and Josh weren't close enough to visit, not to talk of outsiders knowing where she lives. " Did he say anything else"  she asked.
"He said he was a fan of your's. He knows we are friends too, and you say you don't know him", Abbie replied. Jaz was lost in thought.  Her mind drafted to the guy in the tunnel, the one behind the anonymous message.
"Did he leave a number or anything?" Jaz asked.
"Nope, i didn't know you were a pop star. What's with the fan thing", Abbie mocked.
Jaz didn't stay long she got her things, " You don't have to lie to mom anymore, i stay around town", She said.
"Where are you staying now? I didn't mean to upset you the last time. I lost it, i just felt bad. I thought you didn't care". Abbie said, stopping Jaz from leaving.
" I see this as a new start for me. It is fair enough, take care dear". Jaz left.

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