chapter seven

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Two security  guards at the gate of Albert's home. Quite a luxurious mansion, with all the embezzlement he did. He had seven cars. He lived in a glass house in banana island, which was why his security was tight. He had a swimming pool right in the centre of the entire house, beside the pool to the left was a four cornered steel bed with a roofing preventing sunlight. At the balcony on the last floor of the storey building was attached a bouncing slide protruded outwards for a leap into the pool. Isn't that just awesome!
Jaz decided to come in as a top reporter in order to get pass the security guard. She was conversing with them trying to claim she had an interview with their boss. She thought of how tight the security would be on the inside. She thought of how she would plant a chip on Albert's body like she did to Balogun. Balogun was not much of a stress. She had planted a chip on his senator ( an Attire he wore very occasionally), when they bumped into each other. She smiled.
How would she get in contact with this man that is always guarded like a palace dog, she thought. Several attempts to get in but the security guards didn't allow her, while she was about  leaving, she saw Albert ready to go out huskily. He looked angry. She remembered what Evelyn had told her about his hijacked goods.
"I need a distraction, Albert just left the building", she said loosening the hair she tucked at the back of her ear to hide her ear-pod.
"There is a fire alarm in his building, i could trigger it. That should buy you enough time", Evelyn replied.
"Have you gotten anything on Balogun", Jaz asked.
" Nothing yet, girl. I would keep you updated. Go get this one". Evelyn answered.
There was a false fire alarm, everybody scattered around the house, even the security guards hurried to check what caused the fire. Jaz got into the house through the fence. It was guarded with barb wire, she cut through and got into the building. She was able to plant the chip underneath the dinning table. She placed another device close to the cctv camera in his living room, which gave Evelyn access to all other cameras in his house. Jaz was caught while trying to leave the house, but she claimed to be a maid which made her get out fast. She avoided the security guards and went out through the backyard.
She made it in one piece. She left for home. She contacted Evelyn to know if she had access to the entire camera, which she did. Jaz went into the kitchen to fix herself dinner. She was going through the pots to see if Abbie left anything for her but there was none.
Jaz ate dinner and slept afterwards.

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