chapter nine

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On the news, the case of the robbers running away with five billion had been all over the television that day. The news had a blur image of what the masked girl looked like, it was captured on the footage of her rescue hunt in a bank. She had learnt to stay off been seen again. Jaz came in as Abbie was looking for her favourite channel, Zee-world.
"Leave that one!" Jaz yelled.
"Who does she think she is, coming to save us as if she's super-man", A woman on Tv said.
" She should show herself, why is she hiding?" Another person said.
"Why are human beings so ungrateful? We need someone like that in Nigeria. Even if there are dozens of her, i would love it. She has been undoing the bad deeds in this country". Abbie shouted. Jaz looked at her and smiled finally she said,
"How in the world, is a girl saving our ass". Jaz left the house that day to see evelyn. Evelyn didn't come to work that day, she was ill.
"Hey Eve, what's really wrong", Jaz asked trying to find the perfect chair to lay comfortably.
"Menstrual cramp. It was too intense, i couldn't come to work. My brother would be back soon". Evelyn replied.
"Brother!" Jaz asked surprisingly.
"You never wanted to know about our families when you brought us to work for you. You were just bent on using our Gods giving talent to work for you". Evelyn answered  with sarcasm.
"We are helping the world dear". Jaz replied. She was noticing Evelyn's hair colour, it was an afro dyed in pink. She noticed her full lashes. Evelyn was indeed very pretty in her olive skin, she had a bit of a masculine shoulders but she had a whole package. She was the type with the hour glass figure. Jaz wondered how her brother would look like.
Later that day Evelyn and Jaz watched film, until her brother came back.
"Hey evelyn, how is the cramp. Has it subsided". He asked facing Evelyn then to Jaz. "Who is she? You never mentioned, someone pretty is coming over. I would have prepared something.
Jaz was feeling flattered, " It is not a problem. I am filled, just wanted to know how Evelyn is doing.
"What is it that you guys do again ?" Jake asked staring at Evelyn.
"None of your business, Jake. His name is Jake", Evelyn said.
Jake came in with a plate of Jollof rice later.
"You should eat before you leave", Jake said.
"Thanks. I remember now, we've met before. You are the guy i  bumped into at one of Balogun's company. You were talking bullshit", Jaz grinned.
"Yes, right. I remember. Was that you ?" Jake said raising a brow.
"Yes, i came to fix something there", she lied.
"I mean why would a girl work as an electrician", Jake mocked. "I work there, Jaz",  he said finally.
"I have to go, it's getting late", Jaz said looking at Evelyn.
"Thanks for dropping by". Evelyn said escorting her.
Jaz left hating someone recognized her.

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