One Night Stands (feat. Crystal Reed)

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Rubbing at her tired eyes, Crystal managed to stifle her yawn as the room burst into applause.

The entire ballroom was packed, full of politicians and lawyers. Even though she was apart of the evening she felt as if she didn’t belong. She was invited due to her firm just closing one if it’s biggest cases. Although she’d had a tiny part, okay maybe the biggest part, in locking the case down nobody outside the firm knew that.

She’d figured maybe she’d finally get to take the full reigns but all the attention of the night was on her boss. Which is why she was planning on slipping out the moment she had a chance.

As Mr. Basin delved into yet another story, she got up figuring it was best to stop at the bar first.

Taking a seat she ordered a martini before letting out a deep breath.

She was trying her best to be as excited to be there as everybody else, but she couldn’t.

Concentrating on lighting her cigarette, she ignored the looks shot in her direction as she released the smoke in her lungs.

"I thought you quit."

She didn’t even need to turn around to know the owner of the voice. She’d heard it nearly a million times, in different tones and levels each having a control over her like no other mans.

The last she’d heard Kit’s voice he was trying to talk her out of leaving him behind. His erratic behavior and tendency to drink always showing stark contrast to her structured routines when he’d pissed her off. It was what had drawn her to him, his confidence, problems with authority, and ability to make anyone smile. It was also the driving force of each and every one of their arguments.

Remaining where he was, Kit waited a few seconds to allow her to respond but she didn’t. Not like he expected her to.

"I see you cut your hair" he noted, his fingers pulling goosebumps out across her skin as they brushed at her shoulder length hair. "I liked it long."

"Too bad" she smiled taking a drag from her cigarette. "I didn’t cut it for you."

"Doesn’t matter, you always look beautiful."

Rolling her eyes, Crystal focused her attention back to the stage hoping her silence would make him leave but she knew better.

"Come on" he smiled reaching around her for the cigarette in her hand causing her eyes to roll. He couldn’t help but smile knowing just how she reacted.

His fingers lingered on hers for a few brief seconds, the warmth of his skin spreading from her fingertips and up her arm. She tried her best to keep herself calm, knowing that if she focused too much on the feeling spreading through out her she wouldn’t be able to ignore him much longer.

Taking a puff of her cigarette, Kit released the smoke watching her body shift as it danced across her shoulders. Placing a kiss against her skin, he smiled as she shrugged him off, her hand instinctively going to the spot before speaking.

"Why are you here Kit?"

It was a question he knew she would ask, but the idea of telling her wasn’t apart of his plan. At least not now.

"You look good," he smiled the motion of his eyes looking her over making her cheeks heat.

"Flattery won’t get you anywhere Kit."

"Just telling you the truth" he smiled at her skeptical expression. "I’ll always find you to be beautiful, you know that…Besides, I miss you. We were always good together."

"Hmm" she laughed reaching for her drink. "According to who’s standards?"

Taking a sip she didn’t budge as he let his lips press against her neck.

"Mine" he replied. "So turn around so we can talk."

When she didn’t he motioned for a beer before letting his hand find her waist. Even through the fabric of her dress she could feel the gentleness he used which made her want to turn and make him grip her tighter.

"Was last time so bad you can’t even look at me?"

"I thought you liked me this way" she replied, her gaze on the speaker.

"I do" he smiled his fingers knotting in her hair causing her to bite her lip as he gently tugged it back. "But under different circumstances. Now let me see those beautiful eyes."

Turning around she couldn’t deny him a smile as she met his. His gaze held hers, it’s mesmerizing quality allowing him to step closer to her. Taking in his classic black tuxedo she reached up to adjust his bow tie. His hair was longer than the last time she’d seen him, the beard spreading itself across his skin making her wonder the last time he’d taken up a case.

"You’d think you’d get the hang of this by now. You are a lawyer for goodness sake. You make it through Harvard and can’t even tie a bow tie properly."

"I always had you to do it for me" he smiled, his eyes on her instead of her working fingers.

"I’m surprised your assistant didn’t pick up where I left off" she replied. "I was quite sure she would. What was her name? Allison-"

"Alexis" Kit responded, the smile on his lips growing at the furrowing of her brow as she resisted looking up at him. "I thought I told you she was nothing to worry about."

"We’re not together Kit" she adjusted the bow tie before dropping her hands and lifting her gaze to his. "So lying about fucking your assistant isn’t going to make me leave with you."

"I’m not lying." Letting her slip the cigarette from his fingers Kit shot her a hurtful look before retrieving his beer.

"Right, just like you weren’t when you were fucking me?"

"Okay" he winced. "I might of been back then-"

"What changed? I guess it’s no longer fun when you’re screwing with just one woman in the office."

"You know it wasn’t like that with you."

Watching the slight change in his demeanor, she cleared her throat before taking a sip of her drink.

"So let’s cut the bullshit. Stop pretending like you don’t miss me Cris."

"I don’t" she responded the smile she managed to suppress surfacing as his hand slipped around her waist before tracing it’s way up her back. "You’re still a cocky asshole."

"So you miss parts of me" he smiled.

Rolling her eyes, Crystsl denied Kit one in return.

"What do you want Kit?"

"To get out of this boring party."

Shaking her head she watched him roll his neck. “I actually wanna stay. It only got bad when you showed up.”

"Crystal its been three months, don’t you think we should get reacquainted if we want to make this work."

"I don’t think I want to." Taking in his skeptical look she back tracked. "I don’t need to. I know what it’s like to have a one night stand with New York’s greatest defense attorney."

"We never had a one night stand-"

"You never stopped seeing other people either." She responded causing him right wince before dropping his gaze. "So clearly you didn’t take us more seriously than one."

"Who says I’m not ready to now?"

"You had seven months to get ready."

Smiling she brushed her hand against his cheek before playfully brushing his chin. He stopped to place a kiss against her finger before giving her a smile.

"Take care of yourself Kit?"

Nodding he ducked down to place a kiss against her forehead before letting her go.

"Yeah, maybe I’ll see you around."

"New York’s a big place."

Taking a step away she smiled as Kit followed her, him easily matching her pace with two steps.

She knew he would follow, he always did which is why she didn’t bother trying to move away as his hand found the small of her back

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