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[Type: While in New York for your older brother's wedding you run into your ex Kit at the hotel bar. It doesn't take long to realize his jealous streak is still running.]

"What are you in town for?"

"A wedding."

Glancing up from the drink in my hand I took in a pair of bright blue eyes before overlooking the owner as he took the vacant seat beside me.

He looked as though he'd had a couple of drinks, which explained the missing tie and sloppy smile. And although he wasn't my usual type, he had a pair of eyes on him that could make up for all he lacked.

We were in my great hometown of New York City, a city I hadn't been two in over two years. Why was I back? My younger brother Jason. With our mom dead, and our dad never in the picture you can imagine why I was spending my night at the hotel bar just two nights before my brother's wedding.

His gaze went over my shoulder briefly, a smile spreading across his lips as he picked up his fresh beer.

"Someone needs to get that guy a drink."

Turning in my seat I followed his gaze down the bar to where a group of men I recognized sat. I knew exactly whom he was referring to, which is why I found myself faintly smiling as I took in Kit's eyes.

They were furious, the furrowing of his eyebrows an action I had seen numerous times each invoking the same reaction deep inside me.

I knew the chances of him being down here were anything from slim to none, I had managed to keep a safe distance from him since I arrived two days ago. With us all staying at the same hotel, and him being the best man it was hard. But I'd managed. I figured it was best to just ignore and he seemed fine with it, his constant flirtation with the bridesmaids making that perfectly clear.

His grip tightened around the pint in his hand making me wonder how it hadn't yet shattered beneath it.

Judging from the clenching of his jaw it was probably his third.

He still wore his clothes from the rehearsal dinner just a few hours before this, the jacket he wore draped over the back of his chair. The last I saw him he was escorting Cindy, one of the bridesmaid, out of the restaurant while I stayed behind with Jason making me wonder how he slipped past me unnoticed. His fingers had managed to undo the top buttons of his shirt along with the loosening of his tie. His gaze wasn't on me which is why I put my back to him, my attention returning to the man in front of me. Suddenly those blue eyes weren't so mesmerizing. It could've been the fact my glass was empty, or that his hand had already begun to graze my thigh. Whatever it was caused me to shift in my seat, the smile I gave him not reaching it's fullest potential due to the gaze I could feel on my back.

"So what are you?" He asked distracting me briefly. "One of the bridesmaids?"

"Maid of honor" I corrected, the smile on his face making me return him one. "It's my brother's wedding."

"Older or younger?"

"Older, two years."

"What about you?" he asked quietly before motioning for another drink from the tender. "Are you here alone, or waiting for someone?"

"Alone." I responded though from the daggers on my back I felt as though I were lying.

"Can I order you another one?" He asked.

"Actually I think I'm going to call it a night" I apologized as I got out of my seat. "Have to get up early."

Not waiting for his response I started towards the bathroom.

Kit Harington One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now