How They Wake You Up

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This scenario was suggested by Scarletwitch2004.
Aoba wakes you up by gently shaking you and saying your name, until you wake up. After you sit up he'll pull you into a hug and kiss your forehead.

Koujaku wakes you up one of two ways. He shakes you lightly while saying your name and lightly kissing face. And if that dosen't work then he start to Tickle your sides until you are screaming for him to stop and trying to get away from him. When he stops he will pull you into his arms and kiss you.

Mink usely dosen't have to walk you up, because your a light sleeper most of the time. But on the rare occasion that he dose have to walk you up, he just shakes your shoulder and when you open your eyes, he leans down and kisses you.

Nozi doesn't wake you up usely. On the vary rare occasion that he dose wake you up. He'll lay down next to you and play with hair and face until you open your eyes, then he'll pull you into his chest and kiss you.

Clear wakes you up by jumping on while saying your name and kissing all over your face. Your wide awake and laughing before he even starts to kiss you.

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