Second meeting

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You've known each other since you were kids.

You've also known each other since you were kids.

You were out with your Kokum just walking around, Kokum didn't like you going out dy yourself after you told her what happened she was scared of losing you. As you two were walking around it started getting busy and when you and Kokum got to a park, sat her down on a branch and offered to get her water and ran to get some. When you got back to the park you saw some punks pushing your Kokum around " Hay leave my Kokum alone" you said as you run up to them. Mink was walk around with some of his gang when he saw some guy beating on a old lady, he told his guys that he'll be back when he saw you run up to them. You tryed to push one of the guys away of your Kokum but he was to strong for you and punch you cosing you to fall next to your Kokum. " You stupid bitch you should have minded your own business" the Punk yelled raising his fist to hit you and you closed you eye waiting for him to hit you but nothing happened. When you opened your eyes you see the guy that saved you yesterday holding the punk by the arm " Get out lost" said Mink letting go of his arm and they all run away. " Kokum are you Ok " you ask your Kokum as you do Mink looks at you when you call her Kokum then he walk away. " Hay Mister" you yell running after him " Don't call me that kid" he said stopping and turning to you " Sorry I don't know your name" you say breathing heavily. " Mink" he said taking out his pipe " Why'd you follow me" mink asked as he lit his pipe. " I-I wanted to thank you again for the other day and for saving Kokum" you say looking into his blue eyes. " What ever kid" said Mink " D-Don't call me kid" you say " then what should I call you" asked Mink smirking at you " (Y-Y/n)" you say.
" Whatever you say kid" said Mink as he walked away then you ran back to Kokum.

You were out at the store shopping for food, when you were getting instant Ramen Noiz came down the same row as you but you didn't notice. When you finally looked up you saw Nois next to you putting a lot of instant Ramen into his basket. " (Y/n) I didn't see you at the last Rhyme battle" said Noiz " How the heck do you now my name" you ask looking at him. " It's not that hard for someone like me" said Noiz " Your a hacker aren't you" you ask as you head for the check out "Yes I am your pretty smart to have guessed that" he said as you were paying for your food. He quickly payed for his Ramen and lefted with you " See you around" he said as he walked away and you head home.

You were on another night walk when you heard Clear singing again and you stop to listen to him sing. After a fit it stoped and you sighed and continued your walk "(Y/n)" you hear some say when you turn around to see Clear running up to you " Hay Clear how are you" you ask as you stop to wait for him to catch up to you " I'm good, and how are you (Y/n)" asked Clear happily " Good" you say. You two walk and talk for a while then you ask why he is wearing a gas mask and e tells you that his Grandpa told him that he was different than that he should wear it you said ok not wanting to make him up set. After a little longer of talking Clear seys it's getting late and you should get home and you two say good bye as you walk towards your house.

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