When He Hugs You From Behind

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{Aoba P.O.V}
I was sitting infornt of my bed leaning against my bed on my coil. When I hear my door open and I look over to see Y/n I smile at her and she come over to me and sits next to me. After awhile Y/n got up and wint out on my deck and I got up and wint out with her. I wint up behind her and rapped my arms around her and she jumps and looks behind she at me. "Aoba are you ok" she asks and leans her head against shoulder "Yeah I'm fine I just wanted to hug you that's all" I say as I kiss her on her head. She then turn around in my arms and hugged me back I smile and rest my head on her head.

{Koujaku P.O.V}
Y/n and I sitting on my couch watching T.V and I had my arm around her shoulder. After a little bit Y/n got up and stretched and wint to the bathroom. When Y/n came back she walked in front of me and I rap my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. She landed in between my lags and I rested my head on her shoulder. "K-Koujaku are you ok" ask Y/n as she started to blush "I'm fine I just wanted to have you in my arm" I say as I lean my head back against the couch. "Ok" she said as she lean back against me with her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I looked at her then I leaned down and kissed her neck "Huh" she squeaked and started blushing and tried to get away from me but I didn't let her go.

{Mink P.O.V}
I was over at Y/n place and her Kokum was sick in bed so I came over to help. Y/n was in the kitchen washing dishes and I was sitting at the table watching her. When she was done she grabbed a dishcloth to dry her hands off. She then just zoned out I got up from where I was sitting and wint up behind her. I rapped my arms around her waist and pulled her back against my chest "Huh" she said and looked up at me. "Are you ok Y/n" I ask as she leans her head on my chest "Yeah I'm ok, I'm just thinking" she said. She turns around in my arms and rapped her arms around me and I lean down and kiss her on the head and she nuzzled her head in my chest.

{Noiz P.O.V}
I was at Y/n's place today so I could see her. Y/n was in the kitchen doing whatever and when she came back into the living room. She walked right by me and I Rich my arm out and rapped it around her waist and pull her to me. Causing her to fall on my lap and look at me "Noiz what are you doing" she ask looking at me with a blushing face. "I just wanted you to sit with me and... I also wanted you in my arm" I say as I nuzzle my face in her neck. Y/n jumped and started blushing even harder after I pull my face away she rapped her arms around me and I hug her titer.

{Clear P.O.V}
I was at Y/n's place and I was waiting for her to come back for getting the mail. When Y/n came back into the living room and I get up and walk over to her. She put the mail on the table and i come up behind her and rap my arms around her. "Clear are you ok" she asked and I shack my head "No I'm fine I just wanted a hug that's all" I say as I loosen my arm around her. Y/n then turned in my arms and rapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled her head on my shoulder.

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