Chapter 18

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...A Few Years Later...

"Pup, come on! You have to wear it!!"  "Nooo!! I'm not wearing it! It pushes my ears down!"  "You. WILL. WEAR. IT!!" You could see Mellow and Pup fighting in the dorm area. "As part of the Big 3, you need to represent it!"  "Mmm... Fine!"

The two walked out, meeting Yozen. "You finally got her to wear the cap?"  "Yep, we treat her to ice cream afterward, though..."  "Ah, great..."  "Guys! Come on, come on! Dad's going to be givving his speech soon!"  "Wow, you're excited for some speech..." Yozen said sarcastically, being dragged by the arm by Pup. "Well, yeah! I helped him make it!"

The sat down in their assigned chairs, surrounded by friends and family of class 1-A. In front of them, Aizawa and Eri. Beside them, Pup's dad and Mellow's parents. And behind, Yozen aunt and cousin. Not long after Pup saw her dad, Yozen was able to finally be home with family, getting therapy for his quirk and anger issues.

Everyone became silent as Principal Nezu walked onto the stage. "Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the graduation of Class 1-A! Today, we celebrate the graduation of future heroes; those who worked hard yo become protectors for the world! We are honoured to have the heroes of tomorrow come from our school. We'd also like to thank the parents of these wonderful students for trusting us with the lives of these kids. We thank you!" After clapping, Aaron walked up to the stage.

"Hello, as you know, I'm Aaron Ceal, the students' art and hero studies teacher. I'm also one of the Big 3's parents, and I am so proud of each and every student I've been able to teach these few years. I'm so lucky to be facing every one of you. At one pint, I was at an all time low, not knowing what to do. But then I worked at UA, and I became overjoyed, now knowing why my daughter loved this place so much. Now, I'd like to introduce UA's Big 3!" Students and parents cheered as the three teens walked up to the stage.

"Here..." Aaron handed them the microphone. He smiled and gave them a gesture to let them talk. Yozen spoke first. "Uh... Well... I don't really know what to say honestly... At first, I thought I'd be just a student here, not letting anyone come close to me. I was taught at a young age that I didn't matter... That all I was... was just a boy who could destroy. But then I met the people of class of 1-A. They showed me what true kindness is, and when I met Mellow and Pup... well, everything I was taught went to the back of my mind. All the hell we went through, all the people we got to save as a team, I hope to still do that in the future with you guys! You guys are some of the closest family I have!"  "Aw, Yozen~!" Mellow gushed. They group hugged and then turned back to the crowd. "Oh, and... I've been wanting to do this for a very long time aswell. We haven't made it public yet, but... I'm dating someone." He pointed to the crowd. "He's been real with me since day one, and I don't know what I would do without him."  "Aw~! I knew you liked Todoroki!" Mellow shouted. Yozen's face turned red. "What?! No, I was pointing at Kirishima! We've been dating for 2 years now, and I told you in the group chat!"  "Oh... right-"  "Bruh, everyone knows that Todoroki wants to be single..."  "Ah..." She gave an awkward cough as Yozen cmgave er the microphone with a "T-T" face.

"Ah... haha... Anyway, I just want to thank everyone who's helped me reach this far. At first, I also thought I had an uncontrollable and dangerous quirk. It still is, but... A lot of people helped me see the light in it. And I just want to thank the people who dealt with me. I hooe we can all stay connected, even while heroes." She paused for a minute. "And, I'd like to thank Bakubae for not killing any of the people in class 1-A!"  "DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOULD!" An angry pomeranian shouted from the crowd. "Alright, you got anything to say, Pup?" She asked, both Yozen and her smiling. "S- Sure... It's nothing important though..."  "Shut up, just talk already!" Yizen said, shoving the mic in her face. She reluctantly took the microphone and looked out at the crowd of people.

"...I don't really know how to say anything without sounding repetitive, and copying what Yozen and Mellow said, but... This is from my heart... When I was rescued from the woods, 4 years ago today, I had no idea what was happening. My whole world changed in just a day. I gained my sight back, and was put in this school to help, my language broken, and a very confused individual. Then, I met one of my best friends, Izuku Midoriya, former ghost of UA. We'd spend all our time together, never separate. I cared for him, and he cared for me, just like a temporary dad while I was still searching for mine. He had the kindest heart, only looking out for me, no matter what it costed him. I was upset when he had to go, but I knew he would watch me from the clouds above, happy that I've come this far. Even though I miss him, I know that I'll get to see him again. I want villains to learn from him. He turned his life around, and is now living happily, where no one can harm him. I want to save people who were in my shoes those years ago when I was experimented on. I never wabt anyone to go through the hell I experienced. It may have been a short amount of time, but it changed me entirely. But that's what made me realise that I wanted to be a hero! I wanted to save people just like me! That's when I met Eri. She's the first person I helped save, and will always be the little sister I've always wanted! Words can't express how much I love this school, and now graduating, it all felt so fast. I'm so happy to be part of the Big 3, and be a part of this classroom's family."

She wiped the tears she never realised she shed. She handed it back to her dad, who hugged her after taking the mic. She turned to her best friends and tehy all bursted into tears, crying. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. Those tears were a symbol of their love, friendship, and strengths. They may all be complete opposites, but that's exactly what makes them so much stronger.

'I hope you're proud of me, Zuzu...'

A few hours later...

"Oh my god guys! We're finally heroes!" Mellow said excitedly. "Babe, we know. You've said that like 20 times this last hour..." Bakugou said, smiling. "I know, but gid it feel so... so surreal!"  "I get it. Man, we get to help people! So manly~!" Said an also excited Kirishima.  All the students, teachers, and staff who worked with class 1-A all decided to eat out as celebration. "Honey I'm so proud! Just imagine what your mom thinks..." Aaron smiled at his daughter. "I'm so happy right now, Dad. I'm glad we've been able to patch up things. I'm also glad that you'll be working at UA still!"  "Yeah... despite one reason veing that I could see you everyday, I also wnat to teach students. I want to teach those who think that just because others see their quirks as weak, doesn't mean they can't be strong. Sometimes, the weak ones turn out to be the strongest."  "Well worded, Dad." The two giggled. "Just don't forget to check up on your old man, 'kay?"  "Yep! Haha!" 

"That reminds me! Yozen, Pup!" The two turned their heads. "What should our hero team be called? I know we just became heroes, but we need a cool hero team name!"

"Oh! How about... '                 '"

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