Chapter 4

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Pup's P.O.V.

After a few weeks of being here, I've made a lot new friends! Mr. Nezu and I like to talk a lot and eat snacks and drink tea! I learned about a lot of new people things, like car and beds! I like sleeping in LoLo's (Mellow) bed. She has a lot of fuzzy blankets and things! She gave me this book this morning, and told me to 'draw'. She said drawing is when you make pictures with a pencil. I'm going to try that with Zuzu today.

Right now, I'm going to Zawa's room to give him these super duper important books! It's reallly early, so no one was in the halls, except for the teachers. They all said hi to me. I was almost there when I saw Zuzu.

"Hi Zuzu!"

"Cupcake?" He turned around and looked at me. He then smiled. He was really cool. He would help me around school, and I would help him prank people, too! I ran up to him and he hugged me. I can't touch him, but he can touch me. He kinda is like a daddy to me. I never really knew my mommy and daddy...

"Hey, Pup! How you been?"

"G- Good, Zuzu! I'm helping Zawa. I have to carry these books to him! He told me I would get a treat for it!"

"That sounds fun~! Oh, what's that?" He pointed to the rainbow book I had.

"Oh! Lolo said it was a... s- sketc-ch... book... yeah, sketchbook! You can draw on it!"

"Oh! Sounds fun! You'll have to draw me something, I'll see you later, 'kay? I've got a class 1-A dorm to scare. You be good, mkay?"

"Yes, Zuzu! Bye bye!" I ran all the way to Zawa's classroom. He's a really cool person! He lets me take naps with him, and gives me juice and snacks when I do a job for him. The other people at the class are nice. Yoyo (Yozen) and Lolo are my two best friends. We do a lot together. Don't tell anybody, but we are gonna have a realllyyy fun sleepover tomorrow! Everyone is coming in class 1-A! Well... except Mineta. All the girls don't really like him. But don't tell anyone, 'cause it's a secret~

I finally get to the giant door. I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach it, because I'm smaller than everyone else. I open it, and see Zawa drinking that brown stuff that grown ups drink.

"Hi, Zawa! I got the books you wanted!"

"Oh, thank you, Pup. Just set it on my desk." I walked to his desk and put the books on it. I start picking up and sweeping around the class. Soon, TenTen (Iida) walked in. He was chosen as the class president. I don't know what that is, but Zuzu said it was important.

"Hi, TenTen!"

"Goodmorning, Pup! Cleaning the room I see!"

"Yup! I also organized the books im alphabetical order, just like you wanted! Though... It was really hard... I don't know what alot of them said."

"Thank you, Pup. You have contributed more than enough to this class."

"Thank you! I... I think? What does contributed mean?"

After a few minutes, everybody else came in. I think Baku (Bakugo) and Lolo came in first. They were holding hands, I wonder if they like each other? I decided to go to the place in the classroom that I like to sit. It's right on top of the vent, next to the window. I like watching the things outside, like birds and squirrels! The vent also cools me off, and it's comfy to take naps on. But, today is not the day to nap! I need to learn how to... draw? I've never really done it before. I think the closest thing that I did was dragging my finger in the dirt and trying to remember my animal friends. My people friends also helped me and let me try and guess what they looked like. They said I was really good at it.

"Zuzu..." I whispered. Zawa was talking so I didn't need to bother him. Zuzu appeared right in front of me. I like it when he does cool ghost stuff. He told me he never had a power before, and now he has lots and lots of them!

The Ghost of U.A. (Ghost Deku au)Where stories live. Discover now