Chapter 16

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The next day, Pup woke up very early. She checked her phone, the time 4 am.  The plan was to be initiated at 11:30 pm, where everyone in that place was going to head to rest, with minor guards in the way.

She turned to Eri, who was still sleeping. She put her paw on her hand, just like yesterday. She gave a soft smile before turning to open the door to look around. She decided to explore around the lab to find the quickest exit. The turns and twists of hallways could make someone lost in no time. However, Pup's now incredibly smart, and has a photographic memory.

Soon, she found a door to the outside. She made sure to mark that it was right next to a silver door. She made her way back, but then stopped when she saw Toga and Twice walking through the halls. She hid from them until they were far enough to not see her head back. She sighed in relief and pitter pattered to Eri's room.

When she got back, she slipped under Eri's arm, and continued texting Mellow, who was telling Aizawa the plan. At first, everyone freaked out, scared that she was getting hurt.

Overhaul and his team were using Eri's blood, reviving her again and again. Pup no longer had the benefit of the doubt that they were just misunderstood. She had that with the League aswell, and she would with any new person.

She hopped on the bed in time to see Eri wake up. "Oh, morning Pup!" She barked in response. "A-Are you sure this will work?" Pup nodded. Eri smiled brightly at the answer.

Later that night, several pro heroes and students surrounded the lab. They were waiting for Pup to give the signal. It all must be perfectly timed. Pup transformed into her now controlled form. She can't control it for long, which is why they have to get it right.

She titled her head, asking if Eri was ready. She nodded and climbed onto her back. Soon, she let out a loud bark, signaling the heroes. As soon as she did, she used her body weight to break through the wall. She began sprinting through the hallway, grabbing the attention of most of the guards. They started running after the two girls, shooting guns with special bullets in them. Pup did her best to run and dodge them. One, however, got shot in her left back leg. After a few seconds, it was no longer useable.

"AUGHH!" She screamed, using her bark to blow away a few of the guards. She continued running, doing her best to not trip. "A-Are you okay?!" Eri shouted at her. She did her best to nod, trying to pay attention to where she was running. She soon saw some pro heroes fighting some of Overhaul's team.

Those people were Aizawa and Present MIC. They spotted her, Aizawa shouting "GO!". She continued running, but was then blocked by gaurds and a few more team members. She growled, trying to find another way. Soon, explosions, ice, firearms, and lasers were shot at them. She looked back, and saw Bakugou, Mellow, Yozen, and Todoroki. "GO YOU DAMN NERD!" Bakugou shouted. "YOU GOT THIS PUP!"  "STOP GETTING YOURSELF INTO DEADLY SITUATIONS!" A very pissed off Yozen yelled. She nodded and ran past them. She continued down the long hallway, feeling as though she was going to give out soon.            

"You can do this, Pup!" Eri cheered her on as she sprinted past more people. She was about 100 yards from the exit. Both their eyes lit up, but were soon dulled when they were stopped by Overhaul.

"My, my... What a smart little dog you have there, Eri! We can do this the easy way, or the hard way!" Pup growled while walking closer to him. "You aren't scaring me... Now come, Eri. You don't want anyone to be hurt, do you~?"  "H- Hurt?" She stared at Pup and her limp leg. Her eyes widened, and she slowly got off of Pup, starting her walk to Overhaul. Pup stopped her by grabbing her by the collar with her mouth. She pushed Eri behind her.

"Fine then, I guess I have no choi-" He was interrupted by an unknown force kicking him through the wall. A figure appeared, Izuku Midoriya! "GET HER OUTSIDE! THERE ARE PROS WAITING FOR HER!" She nodded and picked up Eri, reaching the outside. She noticed the Pros surrounding the building. There were also ambulances and police forces. She dropped Eri off, turning to go back inside to help Izuku.

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