Chapter 11

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"Mr. Aiwaza! We can't just sit here and let them be captured!" You could hear a distressed red head in the 1-A class. "I assure you. The heroes are doing everything they can. They've contained the Nomu Pup was on, and are using it for more answers. We can't do anything more than use what we have." The tired teacher said as he was walking out of the classroom. The students were given days off until their classmates were found. But that didn't stop them from gathering together to discuss what happened.

"I can't beleive we lost Pup again... Along with Bakugou and Mellow..." Mina said, sadly. "What are they going to do to them?! They could be used or even made to turn against us!" Said a distressed Kaminari. "Now let's calm down. We can't do anything right now." Todoroki said in his usual monotone voice. Even if his vouce was emotionless, he still felt nervous about the three teens. "WE may not know where the villains are, but I know someone does, or something..." Uraraka spoke up. It took everyone a minute to realize what she meant, but then it hit them. "Absolutely not, Uraraka!" Iida said with his usual hand chop. "We have to, Iida! It's the only way!" "I understand that you're worried about your fellow peers, but letting go of a villain's experiment is not wise!" "It didn't seem villainous when it kicked the other Nomu's ass..." Yozen commented. "Yeah, it seemed to be well acquainted with Pup. Kero." Tsu chimed in. "Well if we're gonna rescue them, then it should be a small group! 4 people so that we can defend against those villains!" Kirishima beamed, feeling hopeful for his friends. Yozen, Todoroki, him and Mina all decided to go. Iida tried to fight them, but it just ended in the group winning.

The four teens sneeked over to a locked door in the school, realizing that this was where the Nomu was kept. Mina used her acid to melt the lock, leaving the door to slowly open on its own. They walk inside to see the ugly bird creature heavily locked in chains. As the teens stepped closer, the bird creature noticed and started screaming at them while tried to claw at the restraints.

"Woah! Calm down, man! We want your help to save Pup, Mellow, and Yozen!" The bidmrd creature became interested at the name of his friend. Kirishima continued. "We need you to show us where our friends might be. Can you remember where you found Pup?" The Nomu nodded. The teens high five at their success and unlocked the restraints. They were about to leave when someone calked out to them.

"Hey..." They all panick as the look at the door. They could only see the silhouette of the figure, but it was in the figure of a boy. As their eyes adjusted, they realised the boy was almost completely clear, just like Hagakure, but you could see all of his facial features and body. "Do we know you?" "Quite possibly. Most just call me Izuku." "Wait... like... Izuku Midoriya? The kid who killed himself?" The duel haired biy questioned. The others gave slightly scared looks. "Ding ding! Look at me! I'm a ghost! Boo~" "Y-You don't seem ghost like. We can see you." "Ghosts can make themselves visable to the human eye with a bit of practice. Normally only certain animals can though..." "Wait... by certain animals, do you mean-" "Pup? Oh ho, yeah. We've been friends since she came to this dumb school. I guess you could associate me as 'The Ghost of UA'. Pretty long title if you ask me, but they don't let ghost name themselves." "Wait so... You're the one who screws around with everyone. You look like a fucking nerd to me..." Yozen commented, adding a "tch" to the end. "Oh wow... You sound just like Katsuki." "You know Bakugou?" Kirishima curiously asked, tilting his head slightly. "I know everyone here. But I guess you can say we were... well acquainted with each other when we were kids." Izuku looked down at the ground. "Why haven't you shown up sooner?" Mina asked, also curious. "I'm a ghost, dummy. You know how weird having a ghost around would be if it was visable? Hell, media would be around this school like wild fire. And plus, it's fun scaring you dummies." He said the last part in a mumble. "Well I think it be so cool to have a ghost at UA as a student! You already must know so much already!" "W-Well yeah... But Nezu wants me gone." "Gee. Wonder why?" Yozen said, sarcastically. Todoroki covered his mouth with his hand. "Look, the reason I appeared in the first place was to help save Pup. And... the others students too, I guess..." Izuku said, not really caring what happened to the explosive blonde or the laser girl. Kirishima clapped with excitement as he helped the Nomu out of the last few chains. The Nomu shook around a little, stretching out his wings.

The Nomu offered Kirishima and Mina ride, while Todoroki was going to use his ice to get around while holding Yozen's hand. Yozen turned a slight pink as Todoroki's hand was warm from his fire side. Izuku propted to just walk, but was quickly caried by the Nomu since Izuku didn't weigh anything. As the 6 of them were on their way to the villain base, the pros were figuring out how to safely secure the students.

"We need to find out hiw to get to the villains. We have no lead on where they could be so far." Toshinori sighed. "Could we find a student with a tracking quirk?" Midnight inquired. "No student matches a quirk like that." Nezu answered, slightly frustrated at the situation. "GUYS!" Present MIC came in, screaming. "Stop screaming, Hizashi!" Aizawa said, glaring at the blonde. "THE NOMU'S GONE!" The teachers and staff all sprung up and ran to where they kept the Nomu. Sure enough, the chains were on the floor. Aizawa inspected the melted lock, which had some kind of substance on it. As he looked closer into it, he noticed it was Mina's acid! He mentally cirsed at his students for doing such an idiotic thing. "I know who did it." "Who?!" They all shouted.

At the villain hideout...

"STOP IT!" You could hear Mellow cried as she continued to hear the screams of her friend. "JUST WAIT UNTIL WE GET OUT OF HERE! I'LL KICK YOUR ASSES! ALL OF YOU!" Bakugou screamed out, trying to break out of the cuffs. Tomura just laughed maniacally as he watched the two struggle. "Boss... isn't this too cruel?" Dabi asked, back to the wall. He felt regret as he could hear the ear piercing cries of the young girl. "Yeah! You're hurting Luna! You said she would be the League's mascot!" "THAT'S PUP YOU LOSERS!" Bakugou interrupted. "She still is... but once we're done, the heroes will have one more thing to worry about! Hahahhah!!"

"T-This is bad, Bakugou..." Mellow whined, putting her head on the blondes' shoulder. All he could say was "I know." as he did his best to calm her. "Aw~ Look at them whine!" Toga laughed, walking towards them. "I wonder what the purple girl's blood tastes like~!" She brought the knife to the girl's neck, almost cutting her skin. Mellow only shivered in response. Toga backed away as she continued to laugh. The two teens could only wonder what hell their friend was going through.

The Pup fell onto the floor, feeling heavy as the doctor continued putting needles into her skin, each one increasingly painful than the last. For hours, all she could do was scream. "All done, little pup!" The doctor said cheerful, yet creepily. Pup couldn't feel anything, and could only breath as she laid on the cold metal table. The doctor put water and some food by ger, per Kirogiri's request. Everyone in the league had made a soft spot for the small dog, even if she was with the heroes. Pup's vision blurred, most likely because the doctor took off her glasses. All she could make out were basic shapes and colors. She tried to move, failing to do so. She wanted to run to her friends, and make sure they were okay. She wined, hoping someone would hear. She tried to turn into her human form, and failed, seeing as she was too weak. Soon, Dabi came into the room. He put his hand over the small pup, his hand being the size of her body. She was indeed tiny in both forms. He had pulled out something. A cloth? He placed it around Pup, now carrying to tiny dog to the the common room. She wined with each step he took. Every bone in her body felt like it was breaking, turning into something that she didn't want to turn into.

The teens noticed their friend in the blanket, shaking and about to pass out. "PUP! Pup just hang in there! We'll get you!" Mellow yelled, trying to get her friend's attention. Pup only glanced at her friend, unable to do anything. "Ugh... They are so annoying. The mutt is fine!" Tomura said, rolling his eyes. "THAT'S NOT FUCKING FINE YOU HAND BASTARD!" Bakugou screamed once more. The villains could not oppose to their boss, that may as well have ended their lives. Dabi just simply put her down on one of the bar stools and then ordered himself a drink. Pup didn't know what to do at that point, so she just fell asleep.

"Mellow..." Bakugou whispered. "Y-Yeah?" She whispered back. He quickly glanced at the window and back to her. She quickly looked at the window, seeing a creature flying in the air, getting closer and closer. "Duck!" She whisper yelled. They both lowered their heads as the bird creature crashed through the window along with 4 students and an unknown person. "WHAT THE-" Tomura yelled as people filled the room. "GRAB HER!" Yozen yelled. Izuku quickly grabbed the unconscious puppy. "Nooo!! My Luna!" Toga screamed, grabbing her knife. Mina freed the two students using her quirk the melt the cuffs and restraints. "GET THEM!" Tomura screamed. "NOT SO FAST!" Mellow yelled, her hands out in front of her. "I'VE GOT TWO HANDS AND A QUIRK THAT CAN KILL ANYONE IN AN INSTANT!" She knew she couldn't keep the threat up long, especially since she hasn't practiced her quirk at all, realizing that it was way to dangerous. But it was enough to keep the villains back. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOUR QUIRK IS, KILL THEM!" The villains were about to move forward, until they heard the door knock.

"Pizza delivery!"

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