Chapter 12

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Everyone turned to the door, wondering who the hell ordered pizza. The students looked at Izuku, giving him a 'What did you do?' face. He shrugged, a bit offended. Not more than a few seconds later and the door explodes, sending a few villains back. Heroes spill into the room. Eraserhead, Present MIC, All Might, Midnight, and a few kther pros were there.

"Mr. Aizawa!" A few screamed, just to get dirty looks from him. "STAND BACK, KIDS!" All Might yelled, putting himself in front of the young teens. "Time for bed, villains!" Midnight exclaimed, using her quirk to put a few to sleep while others held their breath or were unaffected. The rest were captured, and defeated. However, some escaped into Kirogiri's portal. "Damn it!" Aizawa yelled, pissed off at the few who escaped. "Let it go, Shota..." Hizashi said in a non screaming voice for once. He pointed to where the teens were, abd where an unmoved pup was in Izuku's arms.

Aizawa and all Might walked over to Izuku. "Normally I'd be dreaming if this, but now I've realised the hype was all effects." Izuku mumbled to himself. "Who are you?" Aizawa questioned the translucent boy. "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. But I guess the name 'Ghost of UA' might ring a better bell."  "So you're the one who's scared the students? Are you an actual ghost?"  "Of course I am, what kind of question is that?"  "You got a lot of explaining to do when we get back to UA, kid. But for now..." His voice trailed off to the young girl in Izuku's arms. "Mr. Aizawa she was experimented on, and now she can't move!" A distressed Mellow said, trying to hold back tears. "We need her at a hospital as soon as possible. And you!" He pointed to the four students who decided to play hero on this rescue mission. "You will be heavily punished for not only stealing evidence, but going out on your own and putting yourself in danger!" You could hear a few 'aw man...' and complaints. "I don't want to hear it! Alright, let's go."  "What about the Nomu?" Midnight inquired. "We'll take it back to UA for further testing." He walked over to the Nomu and restrainted it with his scarf. The Nomu didn't refuse, and walked with the heroes outside.

As the heries were off the side, calling an ambulance and police, Bakugou pulled Izuku off to the side. "So... it really us you?"  "Yeah... guess so, Kacchan..."  "Look I'm... I'm sorry for what I did to you... It was... wrong of me to bully and mock you for being quirkless. Can we uh... start over?" He brought his hand out to Izuku. Bakugou put a genuine smile on his face as Izuku willingly shook it, also with a bright smile. "Guess we have a lot catch up on, huh?" Izuku joked. "Yeah yeah, nerd... Damn, you're freezing..."  "I'm dead, Katsuki. I have no body heat."  "Well... atleast you managed to get some kind of power." They both laughed like crazy at their stupid jokes. "Boy." Izuku turned to Aizawa. "The ambulance is here, can I see her?" He reached out his arms. "Oh yeah. Sorry." He gently placed Pup into sensei's arms. Aizawa walked away from the group, talking with a few teachers. "So what now?" Bakugou turned to Izuku. "I don't know... I don't have a place to go, nor do I live anywhere tecnically... I don't even know why I'm stuck down here in the first place..." Bakugou placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Don't worry, Deku! We'll get you away from us!" Izuku disappeared then reappeared, so Bakugou could fall. "OI! STUPUD DEKU!" Izuku chuckled, he missed this Bakugou. "Where to, guys?" Mellow asked, getting all of the students' attention. "I don't know... To the dorms I guess..." Izuku shrugged. "Man! Aizawa's giving us all extra classes for coming to save you!"  "Sucks to suck, Shitty hair!" Bakugou exclaimed. "I just hope Pup is okay..." Mellow mumbled to herself.

"Ahhh!! It's been almost 2 hours! When will they let us visit?!"  "I don't-"                    "W-What if her condition is worse?! What if she's in more danger than we thought?!"  "I doubt-"  "What if she's dead?!"  "MELLOW!" A very tired yet angry Yozen screamed, grabbing the girl's shoulders. "PLEASE stop screaming and walkinga round so damn much! SHE'S FINE!"  "Sir, please keep it down." The nurse told him. He grumbled and sat down on one of the plastic chairs. After a few more minutes, a doctor walked up to the to teens. "Family?"  "Close friends, actually. Is she okay?"  "Well, she was injected with unknown chemicals, most likely being used to boost her quirk. She will need to take it easy for a few ddys, but she's fine if you want to see." The two ran past the doctor, entering Pup's room.

"Pup!" The sleepy girl rubbed her eyes as she turned to her best friends. Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Lolo! Yoyo!" The two hugged her, all of them sighing as they were all safe and sound. "What happened?"  "Well, everyone is alright. Of course the idiots who came to rescue us got extra classes for two weeks, but overall, we're doing fine!"  "Yeah, your ghist friend even got into UA-" Mellow quickly covered his mouth. "WHAT?! When- How- WHY?!"  "Woah there..." Yozen put his hand on her shoulder. "He helped rescue you aaannnddd after a talking with the principal and A LOT and I mean A LOT of paperwork, we had our very first ghost join UA. So the other schools can go SUCK IT-"  "What was taht about yelling, Yozen? Speaking of which-"  "Ohoh! Telling her my plans already?" They all turned to the door where Principal Nezu stood. "Mr. Nezu!"  "Ah, hello Pup. Are you alright?"  "Y-Yeah, I think so... I can still change forms, but... I just have this weird feeling in my body... as if there's something in there. A-And I still feel really heavy and sluggish and sleepy. But overall, I feel fine. I've for some reason noticed at random times my knowledge and vocabulary are phenomenal, along with my ability to read complicated words and solve complex math equations. Much like right now."  "I-" Mellow and Yizen just stared with their mouths open. "U-Uh yeah... that's all Mr. Nezu."  "Grand! Which is why I wnated to come to you as soon as you woke up! I, along with other teachers, staff, and students have decided to let you attend UA in the hero program!"  "W-Wait like... be a student?!" "Correct!"  "But I... I liked being a helper..."  "I understand, which is why I'm letting you keep your original job along with student studies, as long as you think you're up for that challenge."  "Are you kidding?! I'd love to! Thank you Mr. Nezu!" Pup bounced eagerly up and down, excited to work with her friends and other heroes. "I-I really want to become a hero so... so that people can live without having to he afraid... I don't want them to go through what I had to go through!"  "Well put, buddy." Mellow nudged her shoulder. Pup gave a big bright smile at them. "And you know what, guys?"  "What's up?"  "I want us to be together, just like the Big 3! I want us to become heroes together and fight bad guys as a team!"  "Hell yeah, man!"  "That sounds awesome!" The three hugged, all talking about being heroes together. "So... now that you plan on becoming a hero, Pup, you need a hero name!" Mellow said, excited. "What are your hero names?"  "'The Steven!'"  "Atomic!"  "Woooww!! So cool! I'm not sure what my name should be..."  "Maybe ask the others when we get back and get inspired off of them!"  "Now now, let's not get too hasty. You still need to attend UA to become a hero!"  "Oh, right Mr. Nezu!"

"Guys they're back!!" Yelled an excited Kirishima. The Bakusquad group hugged the 3 returning teens. "Hey, dorks."  "Ugh... You and Bakugou are twins." Mina daid, sarcastically. "I'm nothing like that angry pomeranian."  "WHAT WAS THAT YOU BASTARD?!"  "Point being, I can not only summon whatever object I want, but any WEAPON I'd like as well. One example being... a gun!" He said as he summoned a pistol and aimed at Bakugou. He made the gun disappear and snickered as he went to talk with Todoroki.

"Pup!" She turned her head to see Izuku standing there, arms open. "Zuzu!" She ran up to him and hugged, no squeezed, the ghost boy. "Guess we're both gonna be the new students, huh?"  "Don't worry Zuzu! I'll show you the ropes and stuff. I'll even teach you how to score the best napping place during free time. Hint, it's the big window near the training ground!" Izuku snickered at the young girl's antics. "Hey I just realised we know like... not much about you!" Kaminari said, walking over to the two teens. "Really? What do you wanna know, Kami?" Pup asked, titling her head. "I don't know, we've just never known much about you beside your quirk and name. Spill the tea, sis!" Everyone was now sitting in a circle, taking turns asking Pup questions. "Okayyy, question 1. What's your age?"  "Um... I'm not sure... I don't have a birthday because the animals didn't understand what a birthday was, neither did I until we had a staff party for Zawa... But if I had to guess, maybe 13 or 14." "Next! What were your parents like?"  "Oh I don't know. I was in the woods ever since I was a puppy."  "Huh... Um... How did you become blind?"  "Oh, I can't remember exactly, but it was I guess from some mean people trying to hurt my friends. I hit my head really hard on a tree and I couldn't see anything the next day."  "Oh! I have one! What's your sexuality-"  "MINA!"  "Whhaaaattt?? It is a VERY important question!"  "You mean when you like a gender? I don't know exactly, but I do take a liking to girls a lot."  "Last question? Are there other ghosts or Izuku the only one?"  "Oh there are plenty of ghosts! They are kinda like those friends only you can see! Most get stuck on her for murder or suicide!" Izuku awkwardly looked away as everyone looked at him. "Izuku was really lucky! He's here for murder, AND suicide! Wait... that's nkt lucky at all..."  "Pup, you really need to work on keeping your mouth shut at times..."  "Ah, sorry Zuzu. Don't be scared guys Zuzu isn't going to hurt you!" The class sighed a little. "Alright, who wants dinner?" Izuku asked, the class booming at the word 'dinner'.

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