Hello, Again

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The classic is back, and I'm here to make things even more confusing than ever! This one was written as a bonus wrap-up, so you are not obligated to read or like. 

It's been awhile since he was dead.

Or um, was he dead? Or was he just tired? No, dead inside doesn't count... Daigo doesn't remember a lot that had happened. Most of his thinking nowadays was rather bleak and not very meaningful. There's not a lot to think about when you're cooped up in your dark bedroom, staring at an iPad endlessly.

But still, despite the lack of thoughts, Daigo couldn't help but kept thinking that he feels... gone. Actually, he's starting to think this is his personality in general — he's either paranoid, or thinks that in another universe, something terrible happens to him and everything sucks because of that. 

To be fair, Daigo didn't really understand what happened to him. He remembered a happy day, trying to get over the darkness within him. And all of the sudden, his mind felt hazy and he didn't know why. He felt like he forget about something, and that lead to him spending days investigating.

He leaned back in his chair, unsure of what to do now. All that he needed to do was done, right? — he managed to dig into the deeper parts of the web, as well as the familiar side in order to do some investigating. As much as Daigo felt alive, there were news articles on him. Stuff about his "death", about Shu running away, and he even managed to bypass social media barriers just to see what his classmates were thinking and talking about. 

Something was extremely off the more he investigated. All of this happened to him and he didn't know it? With no one to give him a recap on life, Daigo was left to search the internet for answers.

He managed to avenge himself somewhat.  He managed to help give anonymous tips to arrest Shu, especially after his attempt to flee, and maybe leak some private information about him. Maybe found some questionable photos or hidden blogs. Or found a creepypasta from a creepy Shu Kurenai fangirl, but that's a different story. 

The surprising thing was that nobody caught him. Nobody did anything to Daigo. No busting into his room, his parents didn't call after him... Usually, going into the darker side of the internet like that would lead to hacking and untold dangers. But nothing happened. There's no time to wonder why, since the fact that he got Shu dealt with was worth it.

Something in him knew that all these details were off, but one thing was clear: Daigo experienced something, and Shu had to suffer for it. He felt that, in another world, they were classmates. Friends, too.

The iPad screen was as bright as ever, on an empty white page for who-knows-what. Daigo stretched, before deciding to get off the page and head back to the safer, more familiar side of the web. He might go back if something needed to be done, but for now he should check up on his messages. 

Daigo found it alarming how his friends stopped messaging him — maybe except for Wakiya, but he's annoying so there's that. Either way, maybe he was so busy the influx of messages had suddenly stopped. 

Even worse was how horrible of a friend he was. He was so busy with his personal missions that he had missed multiple messages from Wakiya:

Six days ago

Wakiyaaa: Daigo! Im not sure if youd see this, but well — I mean youre dead so what? Im really sorry that happened to you... I know you wont see this but maybe someone else who sees this will appreciate my message? I know I sound more sappy than usual, but I guess I havent made it clear that you were an amazing friend to me. Ugh I hate it when Im like this. Valt misses you too. Maybe Shu as well, I dont know

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