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Thank you to  CheetoWBO for the idea! Not my best but something I felt like writing despite my lack of ideas and motivation to write. You're lucky there's no gore here.

The memory was a little muddled, but it still reminded him of one single thought: Why didn't he do anything?

Why didn't he save Daigo? Why didn't he save anyone, for that matter? Why is everyone stuck in one continuous cycle?

Is it because he was dead and gone? Is it because he was a helpless child who couldn't do anything? Or was everything out of his power and that he had no say in anything?

Little Ryota wished he didn't have to die. Not so sick and in pain, his death spot having to be an uncomfortable bed of all places. Not when his stomach and internal organs seemed like they were madly twisted apart, or like there's a massive stomach ache. Or when it feels like there are maggots squirming through each inch of his flesh. Or when his vision blurred from clear to unclear, as his breathing a little bit ragged. And all he could hear was some frantic murmurs around him.

When Daigo visited him, he was happy as any other child should be. He died painfully and felt every horror at once. The poor nurses must have been so shocked. Couldn't they have done something? Or had they done enough already?

Why did he have to die? Why did any of this have to happen to him? Do you know what it feels like to get a disease? Or at least something that was enough to get you into the hospital? To get it and think you'd go home, but instead you died?


Ryota wished he could cry tears and at least say goodbye to Daigo. But he didn't.

Maybe that's what caused everything. That's why the world was seen in monochrome when he had gone. That was why the world was black and white and very slow, why Daigo seemed to smile even less now.

Everyone smiled less. Even Valt who was normally happy, his smile turned upside down when seeing Daigo shuffle slowly. Daigo's friends, who often seemed so cheerful, were also feeling down.

Ryota's school friends. They all wondered where he went. Why his desk was empty the entire week? Why the teacher seemed a little bit glum, though that might have been an understatement. Why did the day feel pretty empty despite the school grounds bundling with laughter here and there.

They know he's gone. Everyone does. His friends can't stand being together without their cheerful friend in the group. Whenever they stare at each other, they remember they can't have fun anymore. Not when one friend is missing out. So they disband and find their own friends, effectively forgetting that someone they know has died. People move on, right?

There was so much more that had happened, but was out of reach for Ryota to understand. But the point was clear: When you die, terrible things happen to everyone and horrors you never know existed come to life.

He wondered how many people knew about this. Did they see everything after death like he is doing right now? Or did they black out and everything was like when you're fast asleep? The bigger question than that was still the terrible things — how many people were affected by him?

Again, Ryota was still young. He didn't understand how many people nor strangers would care. That was a horrifying thought, actually. Maybe no one cared, maybe too much cared. But if anything was terrifying, it would be seeing his brother.

Daigo was often alone now. Daigo didn't care a heck about life anymore, did he? He often looked at Ryota's door as if his room was a grave. He looked as if there was never a cheerful boy sleeping in there. Daigo's eyes often looked lost, like he thought there was someone who existed but can't remember their name.

Sometimes Ryota wished he could tap on Daigo's shoulder, just to tell the boy that he's still here. But whenever he did, it was like he was nothing at all — he was just the wind, a passing leaf, or something nothing. That made Ryota wonder if anyone cared that he had died, or if they did but are ignoring it.

Mom and Dad were also fighting and crying while Daigo was stuck in his room more than usual. Ryota never heard them this intense before. Heck, he never saw any of them this bad since his medical diagnosis.

It was like watching a movie gone wrong. It feels terrible to see that everything is falling apart just because of something you can't control. It was his fault he suddenly died painfully! It wasn't his fault he had some illness! Man, give him a break!

Well, he's now on break. He feels okay now, but what about watching everyone's lives fall apart? As each day passed, more arguments ensued and Daigo stepped a little closer towards death. His parents trudged a little more towards real, piercing anger. And maybe separation. They wondered what they could have done, whether it was their fault their son ended up with an illness.

No one else said anything. Maybe Ryota was too focused on looking after Daigo and his family. He wasn't so sure about his former friend group. Maybe they were dead too, or still angry. He wasn't so sure if anyone else knew their unhappiness was his fault.

If he had another lifetime, he wanted that one to be disease-free and everyone could be happy. He didn't want to die painfully and sickly, and have others pay dearly for it.

Maybe that could happen. And maybe Daigo would be a brother again in his next life, now that he had killed himself

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