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xShu: Hey

Valt11: Hey Shu! How are ya? Arent u still in class? Ur not supposed to be using ur phone if u are

xShu: Sort of. No teacher in here

Valt11: Wdym by sort of? Its only ten mins after school, so arent u doing something like making up work?

xShu: Yeah I guess. I just wanted to talk to you

Valt11: Oh sure thing!! What is it?

xShu: I feel like something is a little off. Ever noticed how odd Daigo seems?

Valt11: Hes not odd. Idk y you think of something like that

xShu: I know. It's just that he seems a little bit more strange lately. Not in a bad way, but sometimes I'm just worried about certain people. But maybe it's extra important since I'm telling you now. He just seems kinda sad lately

Valt11: Not to be rude, but we all know y. Its hard bc his bro died

xShu: He is getting really bad, Valt. Not sad, but sometimes he's so sad he might do something really wrong. Don't you get that? I want to help him somehow. Make him feel better or else...

Valt11: Stop scaring me Shu. Daigo is not that type of person to act like that

xShu: I guess I worry too much. Maybe he is perfectly fine and doesn't need my help. I see him outside the classroom door now

Valt11: Wdym? Is there a reason y ur telling me this?

xShu: He looks tired. He's walking up the stairs now. I'm not getting out of class until I'm done with my work. Gonna text him for a moment. Be right back

Valt11: Ok

Kurogvmi entered the groupchat

Kurogvmi: What is it you guys

xShu: Are you okay? I see that you're going upstairs towards the rooftop

Kurogvmi: Of course. Fresh air calms me down. Its like the wind is telling me something. Entirely normal, Shu :)

xShu: Glad to hear it, Daigo :)

Valt11: I should come back to school. I wanna stay with u, buddy

Kurogvmi: Thanks for the offer, Valt. Im just a little tired but Im glad I have friends like you

xShu: Valt, don't come to school unless you're actually willing to learn

Valt11: Wdym? I just wanna see Daigo and check up on him. Is that ok or not ok

xShu: Do your work first lol

Kurogvmi: I appreciate it, Valt. But Shu is right, do your work first :)

xShu: Lol

xShu: Oh. Better go now. I think the teacher is coming into class

xShu: Better go now, guys. Hope to see you both later

Valt11: Bai Shu! Ttyl

xShu left the groupchat

Kurogvmi: This was really short. But at least I got to talk to my favorite friends

Valt11: Just remember that we r always here for u. U r our best friend, Daigo

Kurogvmi: Honest confession lol: this made me somewhat better

xShu entered the groupchat

Valt11: Shu! Where is Daigo?

xShu: I don't know, actually

Valt11: Wdym u dont know? He isnt up here anymore. Did u see him walk by? And where r u

xShu: I was busy doing my work. It took a lot longer than expected and now it's sunset. I'll come check on you, Valt

Valt11: Ok. Im in the school now. I see something and Im not sure what it is

xShu: What do you mean?

Valt11: Something weird in the bathroom. Idk why but I came bc something seemed off

Valt11: Wth

Valt11: OMG

xShu: Valt?!

Valt11: Omg what happened here Shu

xShu: Where are you? What is going on?

Valt11: Why did Daigo do this? He's in the bathroom and behind the door. Theres blood by his head. Theres blood on the door too

xShu: Oh my gods

Valt11: Did he just kill himself

xShu: You said he wouldn't do anything like this!

Valt11: IK. It doesnt look like he killed himself

xShu: What??

Valt11: This doesnt make sense. I gotta find a teacher real quick!!

xShu: Do you think they can help? Poor Daigo

Valt11: But Daigo would never!! Never!! Someone did this. Do u think so???

xShu: Maybe. Maybe not. Then again, something is going on in his head

Valt11: Shu, plz help me. Go find the nurse or something. Two people makes things quicker

xShu: You sure?

Valt11: YES

Valt11: Plz help

​​​​​​​Valt11: This isnt right. Someone clearly did this, right Shu?

xShu left the groupchat

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