My Perfect Partner

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No one would believe it if Shu had just told them.

While he did felt pain when Lui inflicted that scar, it also fueled him. It fueled his hatred for Lui. He never felt it before, but he had suspected that it was there right at the very start. It was probably as small as a seed, but was soon growing into something much more obvious and larger. And no matter how much he told the adults what really happened, they wouldn't believe it. He was only a kid with tall tales.

They also wouldn't believe how he felt something else from the inflicted scar. On that specific day when they battled, actually. Shu felt like he deserved it. He felt like he needed more. 

There was no way to go back in time and battle Lui again. He just wanted to make that scar so deep, it'll probably chip his skull. He deserved it. He deserved it because he was a rising star, and he didn't deserve to surpass the white dragon champion.

He had nobody to talk his worries too. He had Valt, but Valt wouldn't understand his feelings. Valt was too absorbed in his own fantasies and Beyblade agendas; he was a little narrow minded too, Shu had to admit. The little bluenette wasn't good for any serious advice. Shu's parents were often away, and proved to be useless like the other adults... that left Spyrzen, his only partner and ally in this world.

And it wasn't like anyone would believe Spryzen could talk to him. Shu felt like all worthy Bladers communicated with their Beys, but lately he had been denying them. Spyrzen gave Shu feelings he would never received from his friends, family, and foe. His Bey gave him feelings he was sure no other Blader could feel. 

Spryzen was his drug. Shu was definitely addicted to Spryzen.

Poor you. It's been weeks now, haven't it? You are still suffering from the battle with the dragon champion. Spryzen had spoke to him in his head one night, as Shu was sitting at a desk in his room. You never seem to be getting better.

"Not now, it seems," Shu muttered quietly, gazing out the window. Honestly, he could just talk to Spryzen in his head. But half the time, he wanted half the conversation to be out loud, feeling like Spryzen was more than just a head voice. 

But at the same time, you are not suffering. Spryzen had pointed out. His voice seemed to be getting louder. You are a strong Blader, Shu.

Shu smiled weakly. "Of course I am." 

You have a desire. You want to battle Lui again, but the chance will come when time is right. But you want that to be the time you first battled him. You want to relive that moment. 

He did. Shu's heart was beating quite fast and hard, anticipating the idea of that. By any chance, destinies would turn and he would win after all. Any by any other chance, he might not have been scarred. But at the same time, he wanted to be scarred again.

Even if it might destroy me? You saw me fight hard back there, Shu. Luínor had some part of me chipped good. Spryzen responded to his thoughts almost angrily. 

"So what?" 

Pain is all you care about now, right? You put yourself through all the rough training, and then got hurt by Lui. And now all you think about is how you deserve it, Shu.

So what? Can't his own Bey let him think about his mistakes? Or let him go through his grief and thoughts over his misfortune? It wasn't like Beyblades knew how their partners felt. Human pain and Beyblade pain were both different on so many levels.

Spryzen possible couldn't understand him. It was pointless.

Great. Now his own Beyblade is as useless as the many other adults in this world.

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