Sword Flames Incident

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Just a note: This may or may not be slightly more sad than scary. And this is the Sword Flames version of a Snake Pit idea of mine. Only, it's not as dramatic and sad. 

Ukyo was almost surprised to hear alarmed screaming in the distance, as he was with the other trainees. "Guys! Guys!" of the the dojo's trainees ran over, now back from checking up on Yugo. "There's something I saw! Yugo is dead!" 

That sounded too straightforward, honestly. It gave Ukyo the chills, but he didn't let that bother him. He looked at the trainee and asked, "Really? That can't be." There was no murderer at the dojo at all. Ukyo was the guy who kept watch within the shadows all the time, and there was no one suspicious enough to be a murderer here. 

But why would someone murder Yugo? There was no reason for him to be murdered at all.

Quon was the first to suggest something. Sitting up from his seat on the rock, he asked, "Are you not joking?"

"Yes. This is too serious to joke about."

"We have to see proof of this. Is his body still in the dojo?"

The trainee nodded slowly. "Yes. We have to go quick, though. We're not sure what would happen if the adults and elders find the body, before we could explain anything." 

And so forth, Ukyo and the others raced alongside the reporting trainee. Each of them ran at high speed, reaching in elevation as they headed straight for the dojo. It was the trainee who reached the entrance first, ordering everyone to pause and not do anything unless he say so. Ukyo watched as the trainee opened the door slowly, before gesturing towards the others to see.

Ukyo widened his eyes.

Right by the Beystadium was Yugo laying on the ground, unmoving and his back facing the entrance. Each of the following people followed inside, and gathered around to examine the corpse. Quon and Ukyo were the only two who dared to come next to Yugo; not like the others would be closer friends of Yugo.

There was no blood or other gruesome clues. The murder looked clean, in fact; anyone of any age could take a look at this crime scene. And Ukyo noticed how displaced Yugo's neck was, seeing that it was bent somehow. Yugo's eyelids were shut, concealing his once-intense brown eyes. He looked normal right now, with no stabs and only one odd neck.

"Someone strangled him, or perhaps snapped his neck," Ukyo observed, on his knees and rubbing his chin with one hand. Turning to Quon, he asked, "What do we do now? Should we tell the elders here? We can't leave Yugo like this."

"We'll figure out something," Quon looked at him with a determined expression. 

"I hope so."

A chubby trainee in the back perked up. "We should look around the area for clues. We have to search any area we can who for could have done this." the boy was met with murmurs of agreement.

"Clues? That might be helpful, but it's not like neck-snappers could leave much behind," Ukyo sighed out, standing up now. "I'm just being truthful is all. Maybe we can get the police or some detectives to examine the crime scene."

"I'll lead the crowd, Ukyo," Quon offered, placing his hand onto Ukyo's shoulder. "I'll help them search, if I have to."

Suddenly, a voice came from the entrance, and Ukyo now noticed an elderly man: Xander's grandfather. "What is going on here? And oh my!" he gasped, taking a look at Yugo's limp body. "Why is he... is he dead?"

"Yes. Someone reported to us that this happened. We were planning to get an adult," Ukyo explained, blinking his eyes. "We need to do something about this."

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