Love, Ukyo

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I don't know where to begin, or how to explain this. But let me ask you: Wanna know why I'm considered a Shadow Walker? 

Yeah, because I obviously sneak on people. I come from behind when people least expect it. It's like I'm a stalker or something, funny. Shadow Walker sounds normal and the obvious for surprising people. Though, I kind of wished I had a cooler nickname, like Darkstalker or Shadecrawler. 

But maybe Shadow Walker was good enough.

I guess I didn't always, stalk though. Shadows grew over me like I was nothing. I wasn't even like a little spark at all. I was there for the darkness to consume, waiting behind something was obviously bigger and better. I was Ukyo the Invisible. No one cared and no one saw me.

Everyone is better than me. Even the person reading this. They must have so many friends and hangouts to attend to the point they are lost in time. They are probably playing at the beach, basking in the sun or something. And I, left to hide here with no one to notice me or care about me. I'm alone and it hurts more than I'd like to admit it.

Do you know what it feels like to do things in life without really meaning to? To do things even though you feel not so different? Yeah, I know what that feels like. The Sword Flames made me felt somewhat better, but did I really meant what I felt? Not really.

Something was wrong. I know. But truth is, I didn't get help.

Who would believe me? Look at it. There are little kids on the internet faking depression and insanity. They're so immature, who would believe them? Who would believe anyone else? 

I am Ukyo, the Shadow Walker. I am alone and strong. I am sad and crying and alone. I feel emotions I shouldn't be feeling. I can't feel emotions I want to feel. 

There's no purpose. There's not much of a choice. I go through life like it's simply the wind. It takes me to places I didn't plan to go, and I don't care because it's not what I want to do. I don't like getting attached. I'm that damaged. 

I'm hurting on the inside all over. It comes from my mind, invisible barbed wires piercing each muscle. Invisible worms, too, crawl amongst my bones and veins and gnaw on whatever they find. The nerves shut down. My emotions falter. My little goals I managed to create are slowly disappearing. 

They don't see it. Xander ignores me whenever he doesn't praise. Yugo wants me to get lost. Quon is not here for me anymore. 

No one is. I am Ukyo, no longer Shadow Walker in life. I am the Shadow. No one sees me or cares about. I am a shadow of a corpse I became. A corpse with nothing left.

I threw my Beyblade down a cliff near the dojo. Lost my appetite. Felt bad after the tournament ended. Never thought about anything much. 

I need an exorcism. There's something wrong. Am I Ukyo the Shadow Walker? The Shadow itself? The Shadowed Blader? Or the Shadow Monster? 

I needed an exorcism. Something was wrong and no one sees it because no one cares and no one gives a fuck and no one I know is the right person to go to and I just want to give up.

I hate this so much. I want to plunge down to my death like what my Beyblade did at the cliff. I hate being so helpless, like a bird who cannot fly or the shadow who can't move on its own.

Ukyo the Shadow Walker will have a purpose in another world. Or life. Or something. 

I'm sorry I haven't made it obvious before. I'm sorry if you thought I had nasty worms inside me, or something terrible was possessing me. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier.

I decided to jump off a cliff.

The Shadow Walker lives up to his name, and he is behind you as you read my note. 

Please help me.

Love, Ukyo

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