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Luna sat in her room thinking of a way to ask her dad if she a give Forks a chance. She wanted a change as she was known as the girl who stayed by her brother's side. Luna took a deep breath and walked towards the living room. "Dad? Jake?"

"Yeah Luna."

"Is there by any chance that I can stay with Uncle Charlie?" She asked.

"Why?" Billy asked knowing the Cullens are back.

"I want a change of scenery and plus I feel like I might fit in better over there." She tells him. "I feel like a shadow when I'm the oldest."

"I never knew that." Jacob said feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault, Jake. The others never liked me." Luna tells them. Billy sighed knowing she made a point. Luna Grace Black was more mature for her age and other children her age picked on her or ignored her.

"Of course, but you are to call me every day and visit me on weekends." Billy tells her. Luna hugged him and Jake. "I love you, Luna Black."

"I love you too, dad." She hugged Jake. "I love you, Jacob."

"Love you too, Grace." Jake tells her using her middle name like he always did. "I hope you make a lot of friends over there."

"Me too." Luna replies. "At least we get to talk all the time and see each other on the weekend."

"Yeah plus this is a vacation to me." Jake says with a smirk making Luna laugh.

Alice was hunting when she got the vision of Edward and a girl with a little tan. They were kissing in this field that Edward will take her too. Alice smiled as one brother gets his mate early as Gabriel will come till later. The family will be completed.

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