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A couple months went by and Billy was worried for Luna. Pain. That's all Luna Black felt since Edward left. She hardly gotten out of bed. Embry tried to be there for her, but he knows she needs her mate/imprint. "Luna." She looked up to see Embry. "I don't know what you are going through, but know that I am hoping he comes back soon."

"None of you are mad about who I imprinted on."

"Sam said that there is a story that you should know, but he wants to be the one to tell you."

Luna nodded as she looked back out the window. "I just want him home."
"Luna." She heard Sam as she walked out of the house. "There is a story about a shifter who imprinted on a cold one. He loved her and she loved him. One day, he was on patrol when she was killed." Luna gasped. "He felt every pain she felt as he learnt they were also mates."

"What happened to him?"

"He killed himself." Sam tells her. "We can't see another pack member die from being away from their mate."

"Who killed her?"

"The distance the patrol went." Sam tells her. "That's why we hope Edward will come back."

Luna nodded as she sighed. Sam watched her walk back in and sighed. "That bloodsucker better come back before we lose someone else."

Somewhere in Alaska, Edward was laying down as he was in too much pain. "Edward?" He looked up at Esme as she sat down. "Why don't you go home to her?"


"Edward, you are her imprint and she is in a lot of pain too. She needs you and you need her." Esme said. "Luna may be upset when she sees you, but she will be grateful to have you back."

Edward looked at her and nodded. "I'm going back to Luna." He tells her.

Esme smiled as she walked out of the room. Edward dialed Luna's number just to hear her answer. "Hello?"

"Luna, baby, I'm coming home. I realized I made a mistake and I know you are upset with me..."

"Edward, stop talking." She tells him. "Yes, I'm mad, but I just want this pain to be gone."

"And it will." He said. "Once I get there."
Embry walked in and smiled. "Someone's happy."

"Edward's coming home." She said. "Yes, I'm mad about him leaving, but the pain can finally be over."

"That's amazing." He said. "When does he get here?"

"I don't know. He just called to say that the flight was canceled due to a storm and that he will be staying in the hotel next door so he can be on the first flight out of there."

Embry was glad that her imprint was coming home. "So does this mean I get my best friend back."

"Yes." She said smiling as they heard Jacob. "What's going on?"

"Your brother is shifting." Billy tells her.


"Bella." Was all Jacob could say as he ran outside and shifted.

Luna sighed and wondered why he said Bella. She had a feeling that he got jealous. She watched as the others helped her brother as she walked back in and started cooking. She heard them bring Jacob in and saw that he had passed out. "This is going to be a long month." She mumbled as she continued cooking. Luna couldn't wait to be reunited with Edward.

Edward's ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now