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Luna smiled as she helped Charlie put the last of Bella's things together. "Do you think she will like these gifts?" She asked him. "She did tell us to not get her any gifts and same for Renee."

"She'll has no other choice."

Luna nodded as she walked over to her bag. Today was Bella's birthday, but Bella doesn't want a birthday as she is turning 18. Luna knew the girl wanted to be turn since the James incident, Bella has been begging Gabriel to change her. "I thought I told you two that I didn't want any presents."

Luna looked over at her best friend and smiled. "I only got you a few. Well Edward and I did."

"The rest is from your mother."

Luna heard Bella and shook her head. She wasn't going to stand there and watch her open her presents if she couldn't just appreciate the gifts then Luna was leaving.
Edward hugged Luna the first thing he did. He knew about the Bella issue because Luna told him that she has been grumpy about today. "You just have to ignore it." He tells her. "She's Gabriel's problem."

"She should enjoy today, but I can't tell Bella what she can or can't do." She said. "I need to see dad soon, but I don't want to leave your side."

"Luna, you need to spend sometime with your dad. Billy is probably wanting to kill me since it's been awhile."

Luna smiled as she couldn't help it. She loved being with him, but its also hurting her father as she hasn't came to visit. They heard Bella telling Alice to shush about her birthday. "I say we go to class and ignore what is happening."

Edward knew something was bugging her, but he wouldn't say nothing as she probably doesn't want to talk about it. He grabbed her hand and kissed her. Luna was shocked, but kissed him back. They pulled away and smiled at one another. "Whatever is actually bothering you, just know I'm right here."

Luna nodded, but she didn't want to tell him the feeling she had about this party thing Alice wants to throw for Bella. "I don't know what it is, but its like my gut is telling me that this party is a bad idea, but I don't know why."

"We'll find out later." Edward tells her as they walked away to class.
After school, Luna arrived at the Cullens with Edward. She stood in front of a mirror looking at her white dress. Edward wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. "You look beautiful." He tells her.

"Thanks." She said. "You'll still love me if I was a year older?"

"Luna, I will always love you." Edward tells her. "Lets get downstairs before we are dragged downstairs.'

Luna nodded as she walked out with Edward. They made it to the stairs just to hear Bella announce she got a paper cut. Edward left Luna standing on the stairs as she watched them fight Jasper back. Luna ran to Bella's side as she saw her arm bleeding. She looked back at Edward who looked to be upset at something.
The next day, Luna hasn't seen Edward none. He's ignoring her calls and she didn't know what the matter was. The other thing that had her worry was he was a no show. When she got home, she saw Edward and walked over to him. "Come take a walk with me."

"Edward?" She said, but he just kept walking. Luna had a bad feeling about this and followed.

They stopped as he turned around. He looked broken. "What's going on?"

"We're leaving."

"What?!" Luna said as she started shaking.

"Gabriel said that I can come back for you, but Bella, this is for her safety."

"That ass." She said as her shaking became more violent. She grabbed her stomach as Edward knew what was happening. "You have a choice. You either stay here with me and stay hid or you listen to the ass who apparently never loved Bella."

"We all have to go, Luna." Edward tells her. "I would love to stay..."

"Than stay." She said. "If you leave then you never loved me either."

Edward looked at her shocked. He loves her with everything in him, but Carlisle told them that they all had to leave. "I'm sorry, Luna. Just know that I do love you."

Luna didn't know what was happening. Edward watched her shift, but as soon as their eyes connected, everything froze around them. He smiled at her as he was the imprint, but he had to leave. Luna watched Edward leave and felt pain. Her wolf ran off to the one place she knows. Her father.
Billy sat on his porch when a wolf walked up to him. "Luna?"  She rested her head on his lap. "Him leaving caused you to shift."

Luna shifted back as she cried. "It wasn't Edward's decision. He didn't get the chance to fight for us as everyone agreed to it being the right thing to do." She tells him. "W-what did I-i do? Everything around us froze when we made eye contact and now I'm in pain."

"You imprinted on Edward, Luna. The pain won't go away." Billy tells her. "Edward will come back because the pain he is feeling is much worse then what you feel."

"Can I stay here?" Luna asked him.

"I don't see why you are asking as this is your home." Billy said. "I'll explain more to you tomorrow or Sam will as he is your alpha."

Luna nodded as she held her chest as she walked in and straight to her room. Please come back, Edward.

I know you all wanted him to stay, but this one has to be different. Edward will be back soon. Just keep reading because a lot of shit is about to go down.

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