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Ashton needed to talk to Tiffany. She had to know the truth. She had to know that Madison was trying to ruin their relationship and that Tiffany was the only person Ashton loved. Because he didn't know where Edith's house was, the only place he could find Tiffany, was the coffeeshop. Not knowing her shifts, he just went and hoped to find her. Arriving at the coffeeshop, he saw Tiffany taking someone's order, making him smile because it meant she was working. He waited a while before it was his turn. 

'Hello! How may I help y-'  Tiffany started, but then noticed it was Ashton in front of her. 'Ashton go away.' 

'We need to talk. Nothing is going on between Madison and me!'  He swore to her, hoping she would believe him. She didn't, things weren't just that simple. And one thing that Tiffany had learned, was that you can't trust anyone's words. 

'Seriously Ashton, leave or I'll get you kicked out of this building.' Tiffany said in a low voice. He tried to convince her once more, but then she called one of her colleagues and he had to leave. 

That evening, someone knocked on the door, and hoping it would be Tiffany, Ashton hopped off his chair and quickly moved to the door. 

'Ashton Irwin.'  it wasn't Tiffany, but Luke. 

'Luke? Mate I barely recognized you! Come in.'  Ashton smiled. Though he was a little disappointed, he was also quite happy to see Luke. They went to the same school together, but Luke eventually dropped out because he got in troubles for selling drugs to other students. 

'Where's your Justin Bieber hairdo?' Ashton laughed, noticing Luke's high quiff just before seeing his lip piercing. 'You've turned into such a punk.'  

'You can't deny the fact that I'm smoking hot.'  Luke sat down on the couch and waited for Ashton to sit down somewhere as well.  

'It's been so long man, how are you doing? You stopped dealing drugs right? Please tell me you've found your brains and started using them.' 

Luke chuckled a little.  'Yeah, as soon as I moved here, I stopped any contact with drugs or my ''friends'', I swear I'm a good person. Please tell Tiffany that as well, it feels like she wants to kill me every time I come near Edith. But I really like her and I don't want to ever fuck things up.' 

Ashton smiled and nodded. Luke had always been a great kid, he just needed to get away from his family with their endless fighting and stop being friends with the wrong people.  

'Well, I would tell her, if she didn't want to kill me as well.'  Ashton bit his lip, remembering how Tiffany looked at him earlier that day. 

'Right, yeah, that's what I came for actually. Edith forced me to talk to you about it.' Luke began,  'Don't give up, that girl really likes you, you just need to find a way to tell her the truth. Because you haven't actually cheated on her right? right??' 

Luke looked a little uncomfortable, as if he said something wrong. As if he turned really insecure within seconds. So Ashton explained the whole story to him and convinced him he hadn't done anything wrong and that it was all Madison's fault. 

'I hope she'll listen to you. But even if she won't, thanks for trying man, I appreciate it.' Ashton smiled, and gave Luke a bro hug. The two had talked for quite a while, which was different for Luke because he wasn't a person to talk for such a long time at all. 

'No need to thank me. And, you're not that bad after all!'  Luke said jokingly, to which Ashton started laughing.  'I'll take that as a compliment, I guess?' 


I'm lashton af sorry

also hi I changed the cover do you like it or not

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