Head's up!

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"All I can smell is home cooked chicken noodle soup my favorite!" I said while taking a huge breath in, it made my mouth water instantly

"Intoxicating isn't it!!?!?!" Sam said with the biggest grin on her face she looked so carefree and happy. Pure innocence's is a rare and beautiful thing I though.

"My mom has a small barn in the back 40 where she raises a couple pigs, cows, and chickens for profit and for ourselves. She made my dad build a green house 15 years ago, cause she got sick of drive over an hour for groceries. I said laughing out loud

"Really? I've lived on the same farm since I was born. Its about 58 miles north of here and is one of only a handful of selfsufficent farm's in the area. It seems we have a lot more in common then I thought." She said with a small smile. But then looked down at the table, before saying

"Tell me more about your family? Do you have siblings or close family that live in.....umm where are you from??" She's Now looking curiously at me instead of the table

I bit back a laugh because the situations is so different, We have just literally walked into each others lives. I've know the same people my whole life. And it seams so has she. I;ve told a girl I love her, and she doesn't even know where I live, or even met my family.

"Do you just want the run down or the whole story all at once?" I asked

"Well we have a whole life time together so I'll stand for the short since were going to be stuffing our mouths soon!!" she said with a hungry grin

Our food came just seconds after her comment.

"Head's up" I said in a warning for Sam to move out of the way of the waitress, but in usual Sam fashion well the Sam that I've known for just over three hours now. Sat up quickly and turned her head around to see what I was referring too, which well of coarse sent the waitress dodging her head with our drink tray and in an effort to save the drinks the waitress did an amazing two stepped backwards right into another waitress carrying someone else's food. Which was now down the back, and front of our waitress, and on the shoes of everyone at the table behind us, Seriously?? Is this chick for real?? I know its not her fault, but the fates have a funny way of playing with her and this is just proof. I gave Sam an apologetic look and grabbed her hand across the table.

"Did I just do that?" Her eyes were flicking back and forth between me and the two very pissed off waitresses and patrons.

"No baby I did, heads ups is just what we say at our house when the food or drinks are coming to the table, it lets everyone know to clear a space for a plate. I didn't expect that to happen. I sorry" I said rubbling my thumb over her knuckles. "You just always, so far seem to be at the right place at the right time." That granted me a warn smile and a giggle.

"My dad says that all the time. Trouble just follows me around I never really cause it, it just happens when I'm there......." And like clock work her eyes again down to the table. I can just catch a glimpse of sorrow and maybe what looks like regret, maybe guilt.  I'm not sure she looks away to fast.

The waitress had gone back and got us our drinks again since half it was on the tray and floor. Placing them down at the table I noticed Sam give her a half cocked look, and then she'd look at me. So I looked over at the waitress and noticed her just standing there staring at me with a big smile, and her tits half hanging out while she chomped on some gum like a cow!

"Can I help you with something?" I asked as short as possible while keeping complete eye contact with Sam. I don't want her to think I'm looking or even remotely interested in the trailer trash standing in front of me begging for my attention.

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