Chapter 17

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"Damn, that's not good." I hissed under my breath. I pulled out my phone and called Aizen as I stated at Ichigo and hi father hugging. "What is it, Ulquiorra?" He sounded annoyed. "It's Isshin, Ichigo might not be able to help in our mission." There was a long pause. I could feel my heart beat quicken as the silence dragged on. "Fine, thank you for the update. I want you to come back and rest for tomorrow's events." He didn't sound happy. The mission depended on Ichigos cooperation but now that this has happened, we might as well surrender. "Right." He hung up and I slipped my phone in my pocket. "I should have killed him when I had the chance." I growled. I stood up from my crouching position and left into the darkness.

Ichigo POV

I woke up the next morning and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Yuzu tensed when I say down behind her, she handed me a plate of food "Here." Her voice was quiet. I sighed "Yuzu?" She jumped at the sound of my voice "Y-Yes?" She was scared of me. "Please don't be scared of me... I would never hurt you or Karin." She turned and have me her best game smile "I know!" There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Yuzu ran from the kitchen and opened the door. I started to eat, "Ichigo." I knew that voice. I looked up and Grimmjow stood there with a small smile "How are you?" I shrugged and took another bite of food. He frowned and walked around the table, taking a seat next to me. I glanced at him and whispered "I'll talk to you in a bit..." He frowned then stood up. "Alright, text me then. I have to get ready for the thing today." I nodded and he left without another word. I gritted my teeth, I'm sorry Grimmjow! My dad walked into the kitchen "Who was that?" I finished eating and stood up. "It was Grimmjow." He nodded then asked "Is he an assassin?" I shrugged. "I don't know." My dad wasn't buying it but shrugged it off. I washed my dishes then went back up to my room and laid in my bed. I curled up into a ball and whispered "Grimmjow..." My voice cracked as I hugged my pillow. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Grimmjow POV

Somethings wrong with Ichigo, I don't like it at all. I was sitting at the sound table of the hideout after I payed him a visit. Aizen was explaining how the mission was gonna play out and who had what roll, that's when I noticed Ichigo wasn't mentioned once. "What about Ichigo?" Aizen tensed, he turned to me and said "He's no longer with us." My eyes widened. I stood up and walked my hands into fists "What do you mean he's not with us!? I thought he was the key to this missions success!?" I was getting pissed. What the hell happened!? He turned and continued the meeting. I slammed my fist on the table, "Answer me damn it!" Aizen turned and growled, letting his blood lust leak out. My eyes widen and I sat back down, he continued then grumbled "Grimmjow, I want to talk to you alone after this meeting." I nodded. Once the meeting ended everyone left except me and the boss, "Tell me what happened!" Aiden sat down and smirked, "Nothing realky, Byakuya attacked his father, he lost control and now his father knows." My eyes widened "Why didn't you tell me earlier!?" He frowned, "I figured you already knew, but Ichigo may or may not join the fight. So I prepared an attack without him just in case he doesn't show up." I slowly nodded then looked him in the eye, "He'll show up. I know he will, he can't resist the opportunity to fight." I shall smirked crossed my face and Aizen nodded, "That is all, are you satisfied?" I stood and waved him off as a stood in the doorway "Yep." I left without another word.

Ichigo POV

When I woke up it was about 2 in the afternoon. I wonder if the fights began? I wondered as I pulled my phone out. I had a message from Grimmjow, I opened it:

G: Hey, I hope your doing ok. I'm really worried about you. Please call me or answer me so I know your alright.

I smiled and responded back:

I: I'm fine Grimm.

G: Thank God your not dead!

I: Yeah...

G: What's with the dots?

I: Idk

G: Come to the park in town, I'll be waiting for you. If you don't show I'll drag you out of that house!

I: Fiiiinnneeee

I giggled and slowly climbed out of bed. I went to my closet and put on a black t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I slipped my phone in my pocket and walked four of my room and towards the door. My dad stood there "Where are you going?" He didn't want me to leave the house that's for sure. "To the park." He sighed "Take the girls with you." I frowned "Is that really a good idea?" He stood there as if thinking about it "Nevermind. Get going." My eyes widened. "Your not gonna try to stop me?" He shook his head "Its time I let you do what you want, I thought about it after what happened last night so get going before I change my mind!" I smiled and have him a hug. "Thanks dad!" He chuckled and I left the house. I ran down the road and arrived at the park. Grimmjow was leaning against a free with his arms crossed and eyes closed. I smirked and slowly approached him, he never noticed me. I was now standing inches away from him when his eyes darted open. I smiled and he wrapped his arms around me, "Grimm!" He chuckled and let me go. "I'm glad I didn't have to drag you out of the house." I smirked, "No your not, you would have loved to." He gave me a devilish grin. I blushed and looked away to a group of kids playing tag. The sun was beating down on us and I was starting to sweat. The birds chirped and sang their songs, the children's laughter echoed around us. Suddenly the birds went quiet, the children stopped laughing, all noises around us vanished. There was a flash of black that landed in front of us, followed by a wave of pure killing intent. Grimmjow and I stared with wide eyes as a big bulky man stood there with a sword held over his shoulders. I recognized him almost immediately, "Kenpachi." He laughed "Fight me!" I glared at him, Grimmjow got in front of me. "I can do it." I smirked "Fine, but if you die I'll kill you." He laughed as he started to glow blue. His hair grew past his knees, his hands and feet changed to cat like paws. He glanced at me and leaped towards Kenpachi. Children screamed and ran around looking for they're parents. The fight was intense, sparks of blue and yellow crashed together all around the park, trees were cute and destroyed, there were craters where one of them had been flung to the ground. It was incredible, I didn't realize just how strong Grimmjow was until today. Grimmjow was flung to the ground, he made a cringe worthy crunch followed by a moan of pain. My eyes widen when Kenpachi landed on top of him, "Grimmjow!" I yelled. My mask covered my face as my body glowed a dark blackish red. I appeared next to Kenpachi and slammed my fist into his stomach. He couched up blood and shot across the park and slammed into a building causing it to crumble. Grimmjow was covered in blood, I knelt down and place my hand on his cheek, "You better not die." He smirked and slowly sat up, "Shut up, I ain't gonna die." I smirked until a sword was thrown through my chest. Grimmjows eyes widen as the sword was ripped out of me. Blood rolled down my chin, I smirked and healed the sound almost immediately. I started to laugh creepily as I slowly turned to face Kenpachi. His eyes widen, in a blink of an eye I shot a bright red cero through his chest. It split him in half, what was left of his body fell to the ground, Grimmjow turned back to normal and my mask disappeared. "Holy shit..." He whispered as he stared at the lifeless body before him. "He pissed me off." I helped Grimmjow to his feet and held one of his arms over my neck to keep him from falling. The fight has begun.

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