Chapter 10

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As soon as schooled ended I ran out the door, Grimmjow was right behind me. Once we got far enough from the school I formed my mask over my face and groaned, I can finally have some fun!! We landed on a roof top and I made my hands into binoculars. I held them up to my eyes and smiled out the property of our target. He was a rich dude that's involved in human trafficking. Grimmjow wouldn't stop laughing and I couldn't figure out why. I growled and angrily turned to face him "What's so funny!?" He held up his hands to his face copying me and I punched him "It works!" He just laughed harder. I sighed and continued to watch the target. A truck had pulled up to the front door of the mansion and children were yanked out of the back like rag dolls. Our target greeted each one, checking them out and decided whether or not to keep them or kill them. I stopped using my "binoculars" and turned to Grimmjow, "Ready?" He smirked "I was born ready babe." I blushed. We leaped down and started across the road and up over the walls that surrounded the estate. We used the man trees as cover as we made our way to our target. There were multiple guards around the estate, there were even some hidden in the trees. They were nothing though, they didn't put up a fight at all. Once we got close enough we quietly watched and waited for the perfect time to kill. Grimmjow yawned, I glanced at him, he was above me hanging upside down swinging back and forth. I face palmed, he chuckled until we heard a snap, crackle and a loud thud. The branch Grimmjow was hanging on broke and he fell in his head. My face turned red as I tried my best not to laugh. 'Now THAT should've knocked some sense into him.' He slowly sat up and was immediately surrounded by men with guns pointed right at him. He lifted up his hands defensively and on of the men removed his mask. I groaned as our target ran inside the mansion.

"I give up." I mumbled and dropped down killing the seven men in one swift movement. Grimmjow sighed and put his mask on. "Dumb ass! Your supposed to be the assassin! Your like a fucking child! Now the target is getting away!" Grimmjow waved his hand lazily "I know you'll catch him." I stomped my foot and glared "Now you sound like Starrk!" That struck a nerve. He leaped to his feet and ran into the building with he Katana at the ready. I sighed and soon followed suit. What the hell am I gonna do with him!? When I got inside the walls were covered in blood splatters as bodies littered the floor. A large smirk spread across my face and I put my left hand into the still warm thick liquid. I brought my bloody hand to my face, my mask disappeared and I licked my fingers. The metallic taste of the blood sent shivers down my spine. It was so good! I felt my black jeans tighten, I groaned and trailed my bloody hand down my chest and stopped on the bulge. I fell to my knees in the blood, completely forgetting what the main goal was. I heard a groan and glance to my right. One of those men were still alive. I chuckled and grabbed a handful of his shirt black hair. I yanked his head back and looked him in the eyes. All the fear in those eyes, the slight lifelessness of them was enough to put me over the edge. "Please.... Kill.. Me." The man whispered. I groaned "Your no fun." He couched and blood spilled out of his mouth. I took my free hand and grew a long sharp claw, "This is gonna hurt, so please scream." The fear in his eyes increased as he started at my claw. I brought it to the side of his head and slowly pressed it against his soft flesh. My claw went deeper and deeper until I hit his skull, I added my pressure and slowly broke through. The man screamed in pain as my claw pieces his brain. I laughed like a crazed lunatic and kept push my claw deeper ever so slowly to enjoy the screams of the man below me. Before I knew it the man was dead and my claw was poking through the other side of his head. I pouted, "Well at least I got to hear you scream." I licked the blood off my claw.

I heard someone clear their throat and I turned around to see Grimmjow with the target in his hands. "Fuck, I'm getting hard over here Ichi." I smirked and slowly stood. He removed his mask and tossed it to the floor as I approached him. I acted as if I was gonna miss him but I grabbed the target from his hand. He slapped my ass, I let out a loud moan and my eyes widen. I lifted up the greedy bastard in my hand and slammed my free hand through his chest. I ripped his heart out and squished it, blood shot in all directions as the man went limp. Grimmjow wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered "What was that all about?" I glanced at him and growled "I came." He stated at me dumbfounded "What do you mean?" I turned to face him, his arms still around me. "I came." His eyes widen and a large smirk appeared across his face "Damn babe, need me to clean you up?" I smirked "That would be lovely." With that said we left the mansion with the targets head in a bag for Aizen. We got to the hideout and I have Aiden the head. He opened the bag and smirked "Well done." We both nodded and left without another word.

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