Chapter 2

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I was sitting at the round table with my feet resting on it. The meeting had started and I was bored out of my mind. "Grimmjow, did you confront Ichigo Kurosaki?" Aizen our leader asked me. "Tch. Of course I did. The brat said he had nothing to do with the killings, I don't believe him though. I've been watching his every move." Aizen smiled "Good boy." I frowned and growled "Don't say that." Nnoitra started to laugh. "More like good kitty!" I glared at him and chucked a knife at his face. He caught it between his teeth. "Now, now, play nice my children." I crossed my arms then stood up out of my chair. "I'm leaving, this meeting is boring as hell." I put my hood on and pulled up my mask then leaped out the nearest window. I sat on ichigos neighbors house and watched him through his bedroom window. He was laying on his bed doing something on his phone. I pulled my phone out and started to watch some porn. Maybe ten minutes past and I glanced at Ichigo. He was taking off his shirt and pants, he must be getting ready for bed. He sat back on his bed and just stared off into space. I shut my phone off just as one dude orgasmed. He stood up and slid his boxers off and walked across the room where I couldn't see. I frowned but admired his ass. He came back with.... "Is that... A dildo!?" I hissed. My face turned kinda red as he got on his knees with his ass in the air. My pants got even tighter than they were before. "Fuck! This kid is gonna masturbate with his ass!!" I watched as he positioned the dildo at his entrance and slide it in. I bit my lip, "Damn I could crash through his window and fuck him to death!" I growled as I unbuttoned my pants. He started to thrust the fake dick in and out of his ass. I started to stroke my growing member. 'This is so embarrassing.' I thought. Once he came on his sheets and collapsed on his bed, I came all over the roof. I sighed and zipped my pants back up. Ichigo pulled out the dildo and tossed it to the side. I could see the sweat glistening in the moon light and the way his body rose and fell as he caught his breath. 'Damn this kid is cute.'

I ended up passing out on the roof, when I woke up Ichigo wasn't in his room and there was another attack. I hit the roof and stood up, I glanced at the window and Ichigo walked into his room. He picked up his backpack and left. I checked the time on my phone and school was gonna start in 30 minutes. I sighed and leaped o to the roof of his house. I watched Ichigo leave and start to head down the sidewalk towards the school. He was watching the news on his phone, at least I think it was the news. I jumped to the next roof top and the next all the way to the school. I sighed then headed off to the SECRET hide out. Basically it was a basement under McDonald's. Pretty funny right? I walked into McDonald's and headed into the back. I took my hood off to reveal my sky blue hair and removed my mask. It's such a pain in the ass. I headed to the basement and ran into Ulquirrora. He just stared at me but that's what he always dose. He was dressed in his normal white, black and feel clothing. It looks like a dress to be honest. I headed right for the meeting room where Aizen and the rest of the Assassin's were waiting. I'm always the last one. But Ulquirrora was right behind me so at least I wasn't the only one. "Tell me, did ichigo do anything last night?" I giant smirk crossed my face "Other than fucking himself with a dildo, no he didn't." Aizen slowly nodded "Oh.. well did you find anything else out?" I shook my head "There was another attack last night. Also he is one hell of a cutie pie." Aizen face palmed. Everyone giggled except Ulquirrora and Starrk who was sleeping. "Am I gonna have to assign someone else to do this?" I shook my head "Nah. I got this shit." He nodded and started to ask the others questions on the Intel they had found about their assignment's.

I left the meeting and headed up to the school, I sat on the roof and played some games on my phone until school ended. I waited for Ichigo to come out and when he did he was being chased by some kids. I watched as he ran around the side of the school and got cornered. The other two guys looked like they were picking a fight with him. "This is it." I watched as the two guys come at Ichigo. He Dodge each one of their attacks and managed to knock each one of them out in one graceful movement. I stared wide eyed, "Damn he's got some skill." I watched him as he leaned down and touch one of the guys arms. He ran his finger along the skin.
He stood back up and left the scene. I followed him back home, honestly he was really boring to watch. At one point he helped an old lady across the street, he helped her with her groceries too. When he got home, he went back to his room and literally did nothing the whole time. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up at about midnight and Ichigo was gone. My eyes widen and I leaped up. His window was opened, I leaped down and went through it, he was nowhere to be found. "Shit!" I growled and turned around to see a man in a mask. The make was white with what looked like blood splattered all across it. He had on a black sweat shirt with the sleeves cut off. His hands were dripping with blood, and his eyes were glowing a dark golden color. I leaped up towards him with my katana at the ready. I swung it at him but he caught it with his thumb and index finger. He grabbed my mask and ripped it off so quick that I didn't even see it coming. He let go of my katana and growled "Who are you?" He glared at him "Non of your damn business!!" I swung at him again but he was gone, then I was caught in a head lock. Realization hit me, this is Ichigo! But this kid, how on Earth could he kill so many? He's only 18 years old! I started to choke as his grip got tighter. So I did what I do best, I slid one hand down and reached for his junk. I gave that bitch a squeeze. He let me go immediately and held himself. I kicked away the bloody mask and sure enough, it was Ichigo. I didn't want to believe it but it was. His eyes were gold and black, and that mark on his face, the red strips on the right side of his face. He's not human. This kid was a hollow like me.

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