Chapter 12

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When we arrived at the school Rukia and Renji were there waiting at the doors. "Hey! Ichigo!" I smiled and waved at them. "What's up?" She smirked and pointed behind her and that's when I saw them. My jaw dropped to the floor, Grimmjow did the same thing as we stared at the all to familiar faces of our fellow assassins. The group of four looked in our direction and waved at us. "ITSYGOOOO!!" A girl with long sea green hair and big amber eyes ran towards me, arms held in the air and tackled me in a hug. "Who are you!?" I yelled as the woman laughed, pressing her large breasts against my chest. Grimmjow growled, she got back up and held out her hand with a giant smile plastered on her face "I'm Neliel! Your can call me Nel." She put a finger on her bottom lip and looked off to the side. Then looked back and whispered "Captain Nel to you." I shook her hand and have it a strong squeeze, I could have easily broken her hand to pieces if she was normal. The others approached us, Ulquiorra, Starrk, and Nnoitora, Rukia and Renji stared at us dumbfounded. "You guys know each other?" Rukia asked. Dennis smirked and lightly punched me in the shoulder. "Damn Ichigo, I didn't know you were such a man hoe." I punched him square in the face. Blood squirted out his nose and I yelled "Shut up!" Nnoitora giggled and whispered "Can I have him for a night?" Grimmjow growled "Fuck off! He's MINE." I sighed and licked the little bit of blood on my knuckle. Rukia helped Renji out with his bloody nose and headed into the school. I turned to everyone and asked "Why are you all here?" Ulquiorra locked eyes with me "None of your business." Nel punched him in the shoulder, "Be nice!" She turned to me "We're on a mission. I can't give very many details but something big is gonna go down at this school. We don't know when but Aizen is on high alert." I nodded. "Meet us in the roof at lunch." Nel. have me a close eyes smile "Ok!" The bell rang and ended our conversation.

When lunch came, we all met up on the roof. Starrk, Ulquiorra and Mel leaned against the fence while Grimmjow, Nnoitora, and I stood in front of them. "I'll briefly explain the mission only because it's top secret." Nel began, Grimm and I nodded and she continued. "So Aizen has been keeping tabs on the enemy, we have an assassin on the inside giving us information." I interrupted her "Who exactly IS the enemy?" Grimmjow answered me "The Reapers, they're a secret organization that sells illegal merchandise, that includes drugs, guns, weapons, even human flesh. They're ruthless beings, they won't stop until they get what they want." I nodded and bit my lip. "There is one way you can tell a reaper apart from your regular person, it's a tattoo of a skull with blue fire surrounding it. Every reaper has one somewhere in their body." ( Its that skull on Rukia's glove she uses to kick Ichigo from his body) my eyes widen as I thought back to when I was in gym with Renji.


It was my first day of high school and I was headed off to gym class with Renji. We had to change our clothes so we headed right to the locker room. "Hey Ichigo." I glanced at Renji as I took off my shirt. "I think I'm gonna tell Rukia how I feel." I smirked and turned towards him. I wiggled my eyebrows and nudged his shoulder with my own "Oooooo, now that'll be fun~!" He shoved me back and slid off his shirt. He turned so his back was facing me and I noticed a new tattoo. I touched it and asked "When did you get this tattoo?" His body tensed. He turned around and rubbed the back of his neck, "A few months ago, why?"  I shrugged " Just wondered, I've never seen it before. " I turned and continued to change. He relaxed after that, I didn't pay any mind to it.

~End Flashback~

"Renji..." I mumbled. Everyone later eyes on me, Starrk spoke for the first time "So you know one?" I slowly nodded "Yeah, he's my best friend..." Grimmjow slid an arm around my waist and pulled me against him as Bel continued. "The other day Aizen saw a group of Reapers scoping out the school grounds. He believes that something big is gonna happen, his hunches are never wrong. He's been spot on everytime. So he sent us here to keep an eye out for anything that would be suspicious and report back to him everyday. We are to stop any Reaper activity at once, no matter who they are. But the thing is, they have the element of surprise, we have no clue when this 'big thing' is gonna go down." I nodded, "Damn..." For once I felt something I haven't felt in years. Not since my mother's death, it was sadness. Renji has been my closest friends since grade school and now he's the enemy. 'What if Rukia is a reaper? What if half the students are reapers!? What about the teachers!?' My mind started to go in all directions. I gripped onto Grimm's black t-shirt, he looked down at me and noticed the panic written all over my face. It's something he's never seen before, his menacing face softened and he wrapped his other arm around me, giving me a fight squeeze. "It's gonna be ok." He whispered, I took a deep breath and let it out to try to calm myself. Suddenly my vision started to go blurry, I whipped my eyes as tears rolled down my face. I haven't cried since mom died. Grimmjow looked surprised. I slid out of his grip and walked back towards the stairs and back into the school. I headed right to the bathroom, I couldn't control it anymore. I started to cry, I hid in the big stall and say on the floor. I started to sob louder the more I thought about what was said. I didn't want to loose my closest friends. I heard the bathroom door open and close. "Ichigo?" Grimmjow's load voice broke the silence of the bathroom. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, "Yeah?" My voice cracked. "You alright?" I sniffed again and cleared my throat. "No." He let out a load sigh and thought for a second. "Can I come in there?" I slowly stood up and unlocked the door to the stall I was in. I didn't look him in the face, I was embarrassed. I got out of his way and say back in the floor, I brought my knees to my face and rested my face on them. Grimm closed the door and say next to me, wrapping on of his muscular arms around me. I leaned against him and continued to cry. I couldn't stop it, it just kept coming. He rubbed circles in my back with his fingers, soothing me as he whispered "It's alright, I'm here for you. Just let it all out." That was all I needed. I cried for what seemed like forever. Suddenly the he'll rang and that was my cue to stop. Of course it wasn't that easy, we both stood up and Grimmjow have me a fight hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tightly. He looked me in the eye and have me a reassuring smile, I blushed "That look doesn't fit you." He chuckled, "Crying doesn't fit you either." I glared at him "I can't help it.... It wouldn't stop." He leaned down and pecked my lips "I know.... But we should get going, don't wanna be late." I agreed with him. We walked out hand in hand and headed to our next class.

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