Chapter 13

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"You alright Ichigo?" Rukia asked when I walked into class. My eyes were all red and puffy, I smiled "Yeah." She gave me that "you lying" look but decided not to continue bothering me. I sat in my chair and the teacher began teaching. I couldn't stop glancing at Rukia and wondering if she was a Reaper. I didn't pay any attention to the rest of my classes because of the new information I had received. After school I felt like killing, but then again I would be punished for killing a non target related person. Grimmjow walked next to me and kept watching my every move. I could tell he was worried about me and it was definitely weird. I sighed loudly, Grimm smirked "Wanna go do something?" I glanced at him and shrugged "I don't know..." His smirk disappeared. "Uhhhhh.... Wanna go out tonight?" My eyes widen and I stopped dead in my tracks. "L-like a d-date!?" I stuttered. He's never asked me anything like that. He nodded and I leaped into his arms catching him by surprise. "Yes!" He held me tightly, "Where to?" I looked him in the eyes and smiled "That new Mexican restaurant that opened!" He nodded and I let him go, intertwining our fingers. We walked down the street and came up to the restaurant. It wasn't to busy so that was good. We walked in and a waitress greeted us with a smile "How many?" Grimmjow held up two fingers "Two." The last nodded, he short black hair swayed back and forth. She grabbed two menus "Follow me!" We did as told and followed her through the tables. As we walked past the bar someone caught my eye. The man had long black hair and gray eyes, he was dressed in a black kimono sakura flowers and had a katana around his waist. He glanced at us as he took a sip of some expensive looking wine. His face was calm, calmer than any normal person. He slapped some money on the counter and stood, his chest area was open and that's when I saw it. A Reaper tattoo on the left side of his chest. It was barely visible but I saw it. My eyes widen slightly, the man noticed and have me a dirty look and turned towards the entrance of the restaurant. His long black hair flowing right behind him.

Grimm and I sat down and ordered our drinks. "That guy... In the kimono..." I started but Grimm finished "He's a Reaper. I know him from the info we got from our inside assassin. That was Byakuya Kuchiki." My eyes widened. "Kuchiki!?" That was Rukia's older brother! God I hope she's not a Reaper! Our drinks arrived and we ordered our food. "He's one of the 13 captains that lead the reaper organization." I bit my lip, damn this sucks!! Please tell me Rukia isn't involved! Grimmjow sighed and placed his hand over mine on the table. "Lets not talk about this right now." He gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded "Yeah..." He gently squeezed me hand and leaned over the table so we were inches apart. "We should be talking about you and me and what's gonna happen when we get home." I blushed as his lips brushed mine, leaving a warm tingly sensation. He leaned back in his chair and smirked "Your so damn cute." My face darkened and the waitress cleared her throat. Her face was beat red as she handed us our food. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" She asked jokingly. We all laughed and she made her leave. Grimmjow took a bite of his foot long
burrito that was full of meat. Next thing you know he's spraying hamburger all over the table. "What the fuck, Grimm?!" He choked and busted out laughing. He pointed behind me so I glanced back and all the waitresses were pointing at us all red in the face, in the center of the group was our waitress sharing her story of what she heard Grimm say. I face palmed "Great..." I looked back at Grimm and he had a huge evil smirk plastered on his face. "Don't even think about it." His smirk grew, if that was even possible. He stood up and pinned me down on the comfy seat. The girls squealed and peeked around to watch. I was red in the face "S-stop it!" I stuttered as Grimmjow got closer to my neck. I could feel his warm breath, I bit my lip and he slid his tongue along the bite mark from earlier. I moaned and squirmed beneath him. He chuckled and whispered "I think we might have to cut out date short, I'm really getting hard." My blush darkened. We both heard a loud thud behind us catching our attention. One of the waitresses passed out. That was Grimm's cue to stop. We finished eating and paid the bill, leaving a nice size tip for the girls and left the restaurant.

Hey guys, this chapter I feel is a bit short but I'll update a longer one soon, I hope your all enjoying this story. Originally I wasn't really planning on continuing this but you guys all seemed to really like it. Thank you for all the votes and views!!

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