Chapter 1

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The alley was covered in blood, the walls splattered and the ground was like a lake that kept growing. I stepped over the bodies and touched the still warm blood. I rubbed it between my fingers the sniffed it. I slid my hollow mask up so I could taste the blood, salty and tasty. The smell of blood filled my nostrils. I love that smell. I smirked and placed my mask back over my face. I leaped up onto the building to my right and stared at the moon "Damn, if only it was red." I love the color red. Especially the color that leaks from our bodies. I could feel my pants tighten. I glanced at the lump in my pants and chuckled. I looked back at the sky and headed home.

My alarm went off, signalling it was time for school. Hi, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki and I'm a "normal" teenager. I go to school, have tons of homework because I'm a lazy fuck, I play videogames and I hang with my best friends, I'm also gay. See normal right? I shut my alarm off and stood up. I hate school. It's a waste of time, at least that's what I think. I got my shower and put on a pair of black holy skinny jeans. I slipped on a white t-shirt and headed to the kitchen where my two sisters were eating breakfast. "Good morning." I smiled. Karin waved and Yuzu smiled "Good morning!" I nodded and got a piece of toast. I buttered it up and slipped my shoes on "See ya later!" They both said bye to me and I left out the door. I ate my toast as I walked, I checked the news and they were live:

"Last night, two people we're slaughtered in an alley. The police have yet to identify them, but with no face left, their identities are unknown as of right now. It's as if the they were blown up from the inside out, their remains are spread up the walls and across the ground. The police are baffled as to what had happened here last night."

"Dang another attack, that makes ten." I smirked to myself "What a shame." I arrived at the school and people were talking about the attack. Rukia and Renji ran up to me "Did you here about the attack?" I nodded "How can I not." They looked a bit shaken. "That's ten attacks and over twenty victims." I nodded at Rukia. Renji wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her head "It'll be ok." Rukia nodded then the bell rang, signalling class was about to start.

After the first 3 classes it was now lunch. Everyone was still talking about the murders and who would be next or when the next attack will happen. I wasn't really that scared. I mean yes there is a guy going around killing people but I didn't really worry about it. After lunch I headed to gym. God I hate gym. We had to run around the track twelve times which is 3 miles. Once I did my 12 rounds I headed back to the gym to cool off. I was sitting in the locker room when the door opened. I heard slow loud foot steps. They sounded like boots. "Hello?" I asked, they stopped. I stood up and peaked around the lockers but no one was there. I frowned "I know someone's here, come out." The next thing I knew was a pair of arms wrapping around my neck. I was in a head lock, I tried to pull the muscular arms away from my neck but that wasn't happening. I stopped struggling and the person whispered in my ear "Are you Ichigo Kurosaki?" His voice was deep and husky. "Who's asking?" His grip tightened "I ask the questions, now answer it." I nodded and his grip loosened. "Are you the one killing all those people?" I shook my head, his grip tightened "Answer it honestly!" I shook my head faster. "No!" I managed to whisper and he let me go. He clicked his tongue and I turned around to see a man dressed in black. He had a long coat on, a black mask and hood to cover his face. I looked him up and down, his clothes were at least a size too small and the bulge in his pants looked like it was suffocating. He wore knee high boots and he crossed his arms. "I'll be back." With that the dude disappeared into thin air.

When I got home I was pretty shook. "Who the fuck was that guy?" He was H.O.T. I couldn't get my mind off of him. I walked through the door and took off my shoes. "Hi Ichigo!" Yuzu greeted me at the front door. I nodded and headed up to my room. I closed the door behind me and pulled out my homework. Once I finished that it was almost time for dinner. I sighed and laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and my mind wondered back to that man. The strength behind his grip was amazing! I wish he would have strangled me to death! My pants began to tighten and I slid my hand down my body and rubbed the lump that continued to form. I bit my lip and imagined that man choking me. I gripped my pillow with my other hand and slid the other into my pants. I groaned and closed my eyes, then there was a knock on the door. "Dinners ready!" Karin yelled and left. I frowned and stopped. "Fuck." I sat up and headed downstairs. By the time I sat down, I had gone limp. My dad tried to spark up a conversation "So how was school today?" I shrugged "Same as always." My dad nodded and turned to my sisters. My phone vibrates and I got a text from Rukia.

R: wanna hang out and help me with my homework?

I: sure but I'm eating rn. I'll be over in bout 10 min.

R: ok, Renji might be here too.

I: 👌

My dad cleared his throat I looked up and said "Rukia wants me to come over and help her with her homework." He nodded then said "No, unless you have a ride. I'm not gonna let you kids walk around at night with a psycho on the loose." I sighed "Can you drive me?" He shook his head. I sighed "Alright." So I texted Rukia back, she was a bit upset but understood my dad's reasoning. So after dinner I headed up to bed for the night.

Hey guys I'm back with a new story!! I hope you enjoy!!

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