Chapter 8

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It has been a day since Kael reunited with Damian, and the whole time, the disciple did not once leave the Master's side.

Kael spent the night in Ian's room, since the disciple did not let go of his hand. Even though the King prepared a room, he had to decline because Ian threw a fit and attempted to kill the messenger for trying to separate the two ......

Even as the two were invited for breakfast, with the royals and prime ministers, Ian's grip on his Master's hand did not loosen.

"Should I be happy that he's dependant on me?.........." Kael thought as he watched his disciple eat his breakfast beside him. Their hands still entwined under the table.

They sat in chairs along a long table, the King sat at the head of the table with his wife at his right. The prime ministers who lived at the castle or are there for a visit sat on the left side. Kael and Ian sat a few chairs away from the Queen.

The prime ministers attempted to make small chats among themselves and tried to include the famous "Master" the arch mage would not leave alone, and also the one who caused quite a spectacle from their sudden appearance during the festival.

Kael tried to answer the questions sent his way, but is always beaten by his disciple.

Ian would grunt or glare at the prime ministers as an answer whenever they bothered his master. Which left the conversation awkwardly hanging.......on a thin thread....

People could not just casually chat with Alteria's arch mage, bacause of his cold personality and glare whenever anyone would dare go near him unnecessarily. Which led to his title in the country as the "Frozen Mage". Ian also would not show his face unless its absolutely necessary, he spent his time in his room or at the research tower in the castle, researching spells or developing old ones. He avoided people, so it was quite a shock when they saw him seated at the dining table for breakfast.

This happened for a few more minutes, when suddenly, Kael lifted his free hand and flicked his disciple at the forehead.
"Ian, stop it." His eyebrow raised and an amused smile at his lips as he propped his elbow on the table, his chin rested on top of his hand.

The people suddenly went quiet, the constant chatter immediately ceasing. Their eyes wide open as they stared at the 'trap' who committed suicide.

With his head bent down and a small pout, Ian grumbled, "K......."

This brought about more shocked emotions as the "Frozen Mage" just listened to someone! Even the queen stared in shock, her eyes darting to her husband who was smirking amusedly, to the two strongest people in the entire world. Although they only knew one's potential, the other, was a complete mystery.

"Good boy." Kael pat Ian's head and gently ruffled the dark locks, earning a small smile and a sparkle in the latter's eyes.

The other occupants of the room, aside from the King, froze in their seats.

"A miracle is happening!!" ran through their minds.

That was the first time ever that they had witnessed the arch mage express such emotions, even if they were small things that not anyone would notice if they weren't looking properly, it was such a drastic change from the icy glares and silent threats from that emotionless face!

After breakfast, the minister's walked away from the room in a slight daze, "The arch mage listened to someone........"

"Is it the end of the world?...."

"He smiled......."

"His eyes sparkled when he was praised........."

The new information about the arch mage was spread around. Each person spreading the gossip further.

"Did you know the arch mage can smile?!"

"He apparently smiled when the mystery person who appeared at the castle, who was also the person who dispersed a rank A spell, praised him!"

"For just a praise?!"

It was now a known fact that Ian does have other emotions, which brought about exited murmurs, especially from women, although, the revelation that he got those emotions from a slight praise, made them even more curious about the person who praised him. If even the arch mage, one of the most powerful people in the world, listened to that person, just how powerful is that Master?.......

"Kael, I sent a letter to each of your other disciples, the letter contains the news that you are alive." The King said in a serious tone.

The King and Queen, as well as Kael and Ian, stayed behind in the dining room. Still seated in their seats as the maids cleaned up the table.

"Oh?! Really? I thought about surprising them as I go visit each place they are situated at." Kael clapped his hands in delight.

"No!" Ian suddenly screamed, making the other three jump in surprise.

"Ian?...." Kael reached a hand out to stroke his disciples cheek.

"They're my disciples too you know...."

"Not that!..... You said you won't leave promised!......" Ian grabbed his master's hand that was on his cheek, gripping it tightly as his eyes welled with unshed tears.

"I won't. I was just going to visit the others." Kael smiled.

"You're going to leave me........" Ian's lips quivered as he bent his head down, unwilling to show weakness to others other than his master.

"I wasn't, I would keep on visiting." Kael reasoned with his disciple. "He looks like a puppy who's going to be left alone in the house while the owner works for the day........."

"Then I'll go with you!"

"You have a job here!"

"Then I'll quit!"

Kael's mouth was hung agape, "You would quit to join this old man on a journey with no planned out destination?!" He thought.

"I think you're forgetting something....." Augustus raised his brow, as he amusedly stared at the two. "First of all, Ian, I would allow you to quit, if not for the recent spike in bandits in the area. I would leave it up to the adventurers guild, but there are other people with bad intentions who are quite high up in the rankings. Although your barriers are sloppy due to depression, they were somewhat useful. Second of all, there is no need to travel, Kael. You've been all around this damn planet, three times! Three! And last, but not least, I sent letters, which would be getting replies in about.......a minute or two." The King finished as he glanced at the clock hung up on the wall.

"What? I'm a free spirit. And there are other places I have not been to, yet." Kael smirked.

Ian sat there, pouting as he sulked in his seat, which lead to Kael ruffling his hair.

Augustus counted down as he leaned back in his chair. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

The entrance to the dining room door suddenly swung open, revealing Kael's other disciples.

"Oh, that was fast. Long time no see!" Kael waved at them as he grinned, balancing the chair on its hind legs as he leaned back.

Ian stared at his fellow disciples with a slight glare in his features. He pulled Kael's chair closer to his.

"You idiot master!!!!!!"

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