Chapter 7

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The throne room was occupied by over a hundred people, including the royalty and guards, as they watched the wandering mage silently. Their eyes never leaving the curious mage as he went from one end of the room to the other and repeat.

Kael marveled at the interior design of the place, its almost like a modern mansion, with marble pillars and walls, white tiles for the floor and a red carpet directly at the center, stretching from the entrance of the room to the slightly elevated platform with a huge throne in the middle with two smaller ones at the side. A glass chandelier hung from the ceiling.

"Ah... Fairytale palace vibes..." Kael thought as he hummed and skipped to the front of the throne.

"Are you done?" Augustus questioned with a raise of his eyebrow as he sat on his throne.

"Maybe~" The mage grinned.

The king let out a sigh as he massaged his temples. "This is going to be a long day....."

Kael laughed out loud and patted the King's back in comfort.

"The cause of this long day should not be the one to comfort!"

"Eh~ I don't know what you're talking about."

As the two bickered, or more like the King jokingly suggesting different methods to eliminate the mage, and then the mage shutting the suggestion down with a different suggestion accompanied by a carefree grin. The King's lips lifting in amusement at each suggestion, ranging from a simple pest extermination, to a worldwide catastrophe if done incorrectly.

The onlookers, guards, civilians, as well as high ranking prime ministers who stand with the Queen at the sidelines, all watched the two in shock and awe. Shock, because the King does not take kindly to any kind of threats, more so to threats on the royal family, but this person just suggested a worldwide extermination of what?! Awe, because although the two threw death threats at each other, one could see the fondness that accompanied their bickering. But also because this person was definitely strong if the King acknowledged them.

All attention was at the two throwing jokes at each other, at least, they think it were jokes, when suddenly, the throne room's entrance opened, the large mahogany door slamming on the wall with force that almost unhinged it off its post. The people turned their heads toward the loud sound, their eyes immediately darting to the person who was hunched over, grasping his knees and attempting to calm down his laboured breaths.

Kael took one glance at the person and sadly smiled, he faced the room's entrance where the person stood.

"Ian...........long time no see..." Kael attempted to smile.

The people broke into whispers, "Isn't that the Arch Mage?"

"Do they know each other?!"

"What's the Arch Mage doing here? He doesn't show his face unless its absolutely necessary..."

"Master.........." Ian heaved a heavy and short sigh and dashed forward, enveloping his master in his arms.

He trembled as he rested his forehead against his master's shoulder, slumping toward the ground and pulling his master along. Kael's eyes were wide open, his mouth slightly agape as he sat rigid and stiff in the center of the room, with his disciple clinging onto him like he will disappear again if he were to let go.

Kael sat there, with Ian's arms wrapping tightly around him, his white robes staining with teardrops as his disciple sniffles and sobs on his shoulder.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you........" Ian's grip tightened around Kael.

Kael smiled sadly as he wrapped his arms around his disciple, "I know..."

"You just left us here!!"

"The sacrifice was necessary....."

"You always just think about others instead of yourself!!" Ian rambled on, ignoring his master words.

"That's true?......."

"You selfish prick! We could still fight him off, but you chose to end it all and just kill yourself!!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry is not going to cut it!!"

"Yeah? What should I do to make it up to you?..."Kael's responses were whispered softly, guilt present in his tone.

"You can't make it up to me! Just!!..... Please stay by my side from now on........"

Kael gently smiled as he reached up to stroke his disciples hair. "I promise."

The King let out a small smile as he watched the two, leaning back in his throne he let out a sigh.

Meanwhile, the other occupants of the room stared in shock at the duo. One thought circulating their minds.
"Did the arch mage just called that person, Master?!?!!"

The celebration continued on, but the disciple and Master left the crowded halls, eventually ending up in Ian's room.

As they walked through the halls, Ian never once let go of Kael's hand, fingers wrapping tightly around the mage's, which brought out rumors from maids and guards they passed by.

Once in the room, Ian hugged Kael once again and let out a shaky breath he hadn't known he was holding. Kael's face was tucked in the crook of his disciples neck.

"When did this child grow so much?! He's a head or two taller than me.........." Kael marvelled at the height difference, "This child was not taller than me when I last seen him....." A small huff of annoyance left the master's lips. "Please don't tell me, they're all taller than me now...... My pride will be hurt....."

Kael reached up, cupping the younger's face in between his hands, then forcing him to bend down until they were eye level. "That's better!" Kael puffed out his cheeks.

Ian, knowing the reason of the action, smiled fondly as he reached up to place his own hand on top of Kael's.
"He never changed......."

Gently nuzzling into the soft and warm hands he closed his eyes, sighing contently.

"Master, how are you alive?...... We saw you vanish......." He slowly stood up straight, opening his eyes in the process, his smile turning into a frown.

"I don't know........." Kael led the both of them onto the large bed, sitting down on the soft mattress. "That spell was meant to be used as a last resort, but the price for such a spell was the spell caster's life...... I don't truly know how I'm back here..."

"Please, don't ever use that spell again." Ian muttered as he lifted Kael's hand, slowly entwining their fingers.

"Of course." Kael brushed the strands of hair blocking Ian's vision.

Ian pursed his lips, as he casted his gaze downwards. "Master didn't promise........."

Whenever Kael promised something, he would never break any of his promises, no matter what. Even if those promises ranged from a simple flower hunt, or to a promise of lifelong vows. He would never break any of them. Which meant,  Kael not promising to use the spell, meant he was going to use it again, when the time was right.

"You promised to never leave me..." Ian leaned onto his master, his head resting on top of Kael's.

"And I'll keep my promise. No matter what." Kael slowly turned his head, placing a kiss on his disciple's temple.

Ian hummed, reluctantly trying to believe his master's words.

What's out there that is so dangerous that he had to use such a high ranking spell that could erase his existence, again?......

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