Other Worldly (Spock x Alien!Reader)[Request!]

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*helloooooo everyone!! I have not updated in a minute.... sorry! Lots of shit has been going down with Ms. Rona and all of that, but I managed to FINALLY get this story out for PunkMewtwo !!! It's been several months since you requested and I'm really sorry for taking so long :( I hope this lives up to your expectations! Enjoy!*

TW: bullying
Background: You are a Dracoishna, an alien race native to a lush planet somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant. You joined Starfleet shortly after your race became a part of the Federation, where you met Spock. 


You walked nervously from your quarters to the turbolift, heading to your early morning shift. Your fingers skimmed the hem of your blue uniform, feeling your heart beat wildly in your chest. Your sleek black tail swayed slightly as you walked, earning stares from nearly everyone who passed you. You had grown used to them, though. 

Aside from your tail and horns, you appeared quite human. You just wished others would see you that way too. For years, you were subject to all sorts of harassment. Your peers would call you names, throw things, step on your tail, etcetera etcetera. You thought that when you finally graduated from Starfleet Academy and got assigned to one of the finest ships in the fleet, people would finally begin to accept you. Maybe they would see that you weren't defined by your appearance, but rather your accomplishments. Your passion for helping people had earned you one of the highest positions in MedBay, Head Nurse, and even though you were a superior officer, the abuse didn't stop. 

In fact, it had definitely gotten worse. 

There were only three people in your life that truly accepted you; your two best friends, Jim and Bones, and your boyfriend, Spock. You felt safe when you were with them, as no one bothered you while they were around. It felt nice to only have three sets of eyes on you instead of the usual twenty.

The MedBay doors hissed open and you slipped inside, careful to avoid eye contact with anyone as you made your way to your station. You set your replicated coffee down on the desk next to the console and made your way to Leonard's office, ignoring the snickers from a group of nurses near you. Len greeted you with a small smile.

"'Mornin' darlin'!" he said warmly, handing you a few padds with patient information. 

"Good morning Bones!" you returned his smile, feigning cheerfulness. You took the padds from him. 

"It's a bit busy in here today, so I'll need these filled out before you go on your break, okay?" he sat back down, taking a long sip from his coffee.

"You got it!" you smiled again and left his office, settling yourself at your station. You steeled yourself. It was only a matter of time before the tormenting began. 

To say you were growing tired of the constant taunting was an understatement. That being said, you didn't want to be a burden. You didn't need to bother anyone with such a small issue. So, Bones, Jim, and Spock continued to be blind towards your situation. And you planned to keep it that way. 

"Hey, freak," you felt a sharp pain in your tail as the girl kicked it. "Watch where you put that monstrous thing."

"Yeah," another voice chimed in behind you. "Why even come into work? I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind if you were gone. You take up too much space."

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