An Uncommon Crush (Captain Pike x middleaged!Reader) {request}

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*Wow! This one was a doozy. Since I haven't watched the movies in a while, I totally thought Admiral Marcus was Captian Pike... What kind of fan am I? That's why this took so long since I had no idea how to write for that guy... I took two finals today and I was able to leave the campus at 11, giving me time to rewatch the movies and write! Halfway through Into Darkness, it all clicked and I started writing! I really hope you enjoy this @LeishaAnne , I totally took your prompt and ran with it lol. This slightly takes place in the first JJ Abrams remake. Enjoy!*

No one would believe you. None of your friends, family, people close to you. No one would believe you had a crush on Christopher Pike.

"That's a joke right?" F/n laughed. The rest of your group giggled. "Jim is so much hotter. Even if he is a bit young, eh?"

You rolled your eyes as your friends blushed and giggled like school girls over their margaritas.

"I have to go," you grumbled, slapping a twenty on the table and grabbing your purse. You stormed out of the restaurant bar, angry and disappointed your friends couldn't - wouldn't take you seriously.

Not knowing what else to do, you headed back to the ship. It wasn't that you didn't think James T. Kirk wasn't hot. It was A, you were too old for him, and B, you found Christopher Pike's personality more attractive.

You and Christopher had been friends ever since your second year at Starfleet Academy. He was a few years older than you, already graduated, but was still training in a few fields. He was your tutor, of all things, and both of you had stayed friends even after he wasn't tutoring you anymore. You were so elated when you were assigned to the U.S.S Enterprise, even more so when you found out he was the captain and you were his science officer.

Your feet took you all the way through security, boarding, and the next thing you knew you were in front of your quarters. Sighing at all the unpacked boxes full of all the things you were going to need on the five-year mission.

With nothing else better to do, you started unpacking. About halfway through the mess of boxes, the door alerted you someone was outside.

"Come in!" you called, turning your back from the door.

"I'm surprised you're here and not in a bar somewhere," a familiar voice chuckled. You turned around, instantly embarrassed at how messy you looked in front of him when he looked so handsome in casual clothes. 

"Hey, Chris," you chuckled. "I just got back about an hour ago, actually."

You dusted yourself off and approached him. "Shouldn't you be doing captain-y stuff?"

"I got some time off to spend time with my best friend," He smiled warmly, leaving butterflies in your stomach.

"Wanna watch a movie?" You blurted before you could stop yourself. "If you have some time, I mean."

"Sure," he replied. "I haven't seen a movie in years."

"Great!" you beamed at him before turning and rummaging through a nearby box. "I got Monty Python at the ready if you want?"

"Sounds great."


The next few days were a blur, and before you knew it your five-year expedition had begun. The first few days were uneventful, leading you to falsely believe the trip was going to be boring. On the fourth day, things began to get interesting.

"Captain, there is an incoming distress call from Vulcan," Uhura called from her station.

"Set a course," Chris replied, nodding at Sulu.

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