Our Little-Broken Family (Spock x Reader) {Request}

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*For YukinoMatsumoto ! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed writing this today. We're getting loads of snow where I live, and school has been continuously canceled so I have had so much extra time to write! I did write this in a hurry, though, since I had so many ideas haha, so there may be some spelling mistakes. I soooo love this one!  Hope you enjoy!*

You sighed.

He's so perfect.

"[y/n]!" Uhura snapped her fingers in front of your face. "Enterprise to [y/n]."

"Sorry," you shook your head, lifting your chin off your hand.

"Girl, you are in too deep," she smirked. "We've only been on this ship for a few days and you are already smitten. What's up with you?"

"Oh, it goes way back," you muttered, twirling the spoon in your tea. "Since the academy, really."

"Oh man," she leaned back, laughter lacing her words. "You really are hitting rock bottom, eh?"

"Yeah," you let out another long sigh, returning your longing stare at the Vulcan across the room. "The bottom of the ocean."

Before you could become lost in thought, your and Uhura's communicators beeped.

"I'm needed in the transporter room," you stood up suddenly.

"And I'm needed on the bridge," she said. You noticed Spock stand up and walk over to you.

"Lieutenant, we are needed on the bridge," he said to Uhura before turning to you. "Good luck, Commander."

"You too," you told him, turning away abruptly and hurrying towards the transporter room. Your team and the captain were waiting for you there and he handed you a phaser.

"There's a disabled vessel on the surface of this planet," Jim explained. "We need you guys to get down there and retrieve any survivors."

"Aye aye, sir," you nodded, leading your team onto the pad. "Energize."

The gold beams spun around you and the next thing you knew you were on the planet's surface near the smoking vessel. You team followed you in a tight single-file line as you led them over the rough rock features, stopping once you held up a fist at the door of the ship.

"Edison, help me for a sec," you motioned to the ensign behind you. You gave him instructions as you pulled out your phaser, setting it to high power and started cutting into the metal hull. About five minutes later, you both had outlined a small hole in the wall. You held out an arm to push your team back a bit before slamming your shoulder into the impression which led to surprised yells from your officers. The impact from ramming into the metal surface and then on the floor of the vessel hurt, leaving some ripped skin and a large bruise. You waved off the concern of the redshirts around you, standing up and clicking on a flashlight.

You gasped in surprise.

"[y/l/n] to Enterprise," you spoke quietly into your communicator.

"Yes, commander what is it?" he responded.

"Captain, this ship appears to be of Vulcan origin," you said, ghosting your fingers over the broken control panels. Distorted murmurs came from your communicator and you knew Jim was talking with Spock.

"[y/n], that's impossible," you heard Spock say. "All Vulcan science vessels were destroyed along with the planet."

"I am aware of that," you replied, attempting to read the Vulcan writing on the flickering screen. "But the language seems to be Vulcan, along with the advanced technology there seems to be-"

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