Unwanted Curls (Chekov x Reader)

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*Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that requests are still open! I really enjoy completing them for you guys, so even if it's just a few keywords and a character that would be fine! Anything to help me procrastinate from homework will be welcome haha. I will be updating the chapter titled "Requests!" with specific details about requests later, but for now, enjoy this cute little story!*

*P.S- I sorta wrote this with Colleen Ballinger's curls in mind because her hair is so pretty and she always straightens it lol*

*P.P.s- I'm too lazy to reread this for spelling mistakes because I should be doing my homework right now. Sorry in advance!*

Your alarm blared, throwing you mercilessly out of your deep sleep. You grumbled, lifting the blankets over your head to drown out the awful noise. You finally thrust an arm out of your warm cocoon and shoved your alarm clock off of the bedside table. You cringed at the crack it made as it his the floor, the dreadful beeps falling silent. 

Groaning, you heaved yourself out of bed, feeling your frizzy curls pop out and form a halo around your head. You kicked off the blankets and walked to the bathroom, cursing your hair as you looked in the mirror. Yawning, you plugged in the straightener. While you waited for it to heat up, you changed out of your pajamas into your gold uniform and tried to tame your ferocious locks with a hairbrush that eventually just got stuck and lost half its bristles.

It would be an understatement if you said you hated your hair. You despised it. Once the straightener reached max heat it beeped, alerting you that it was ready to calm your frizz of a mane, you hustled over to it and began your daily torture. Straightening your hair took forever. Your friends told you that it wasn't bad in its normal state, all it needed was some water and hairspray, but you shut them down. You couldn't dream of anyone, especially Pavel, see you while your hair wasn't straight. 

While sitting on a barstool you had dragged from your kitchenette burning your hair with the ceramic device, your thoughts drifted towards the young ensign. He was a year and a half older than you, him being twenty-one and you being almost twenty. You were assigned to the Enterprise as the Assistant Navigator, a job you were definitely proud of, and he was the Navigator. The second you met you had become inseparable. 

No one knew how you really felt. You had a few friends that you talked to from time to time, but none of them were nearly as close as you and Pavel, nor you and Bones. None of them had a clue.

You planned to keep it that way. No one was ever going to know how adorable you found it when Pavel's eyes gleamed when he saw something that excited him, how his curls bounced whenever he talked, or even his sweet smile when he sees you coming towards him. And no one was going to know what a mess your hair was. Minus the friend who had accidentally walked in on you desperately trying to straighten it one morning when you were late.

About forty-five minutes later, you unplugged the torture device and shoved it back in your drawer. You began your rapid-fire makeup routine, finishing mere minutes before you were needed on the bridge. 

"[y/n]!!" a familiar voice called from your door. "Its time to go!"

"Coming!" you shouted back, hopping towards your front door whilst struggling to tug your second boot on. You threw your hand onto the access panel for support, opening the door in the process. 

"Morning Pasha," you greeted with his nickname, out of breath as you wrestled your boot on and leaving Pavel's pink cheeks to go unnoticed. You finally shoved your heel in and zipped it up, jumping to your feet and grabbing his arm. 

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