Troublemaker (Jim Kirk x Reader)

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*Just a 'lil Jim Kirk fluffies to brighten your day*

*Heeeey, sorry for missing my update day! I was really excited about this one but sadly 5/6 of my professors scheduled exams for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and I have a paper due in two weeks that I've been working on ;-;. I'm done with all of them now, so I'm getting back into the groove! Hopefully, the length (3739 holy crap) makes up for it! I also have a one week break from school next week, so I will be posting (hopefully) 3 fics by the end of that period. I'm also posting on my Tumblr for Star Trek, grandtheftstarship! Check it out if you want! Enjoy!*

*P.S- the ending is really rushed I'm sorry*

"You can't keep doing this, [Y/n]," Admiral Pike sighed, running a hand through his already ruffled hair. "One of these days, I'm not going to be able to fight Marcus and you're going to get fired."

"They can't fire me," you scoffed. "They know I'm valuable. I beat the Kobayashi Maru, I aced all of my classes in the academy with flying colors, not to mention the fact that if it wasn't for me, the entire fleet would still be operating with only warp six!"

"[y/n], listen to me," Pike urged harshly. "Just because you're a genius, doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. You can't just go around doing things that aren't regulation because you think 'they can't fire you'."

You huffed falling back into a chair. "Well, they can't."

"They're reassigning you," he said softer this time. Your eyes flashed back up to his, anger and confusion clouding them. 

"They're what?"

"Command is removing you from your position on the Excelsior-"

"They can't do that," you interrupted, jumping to your feet. "I'm the best damn captain that ship ever saw and now they're reassigning me-"

"Sit down!" Pike barked. "There's nothing you can do about it now."

You promptly complied, hands shaking with fury. "Can you at least tell me where I'm being reassigned to?" 

"They're putting you under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, U.S.S Enterprise."

You scowled. "I thought he was worse than me."

"You will be acting Chief Engineer since you trained as an engineer in the academy and Mr. Scott is on leave. You will answer to Spock and Kirk and you will also need to spend a mandatory 12 hours of supervision every week for six months by the captain while you are working."

"Mandatory? Who the hell do they think I am, a child?"

"That's exactly what they think you are," he retorted. "You can't seem to listen or follow instructions, like a child."

You glowered at him, crossing your arms. "Again, I thought Jim Kirk was just as bad, if not worse than I was at following regulation."

"At least he takes responsibility for his actions."

You stared him down for a few moments before he sighed. "I tried as hard as I could, [y/n], but Admiral Marcus wouldn't budge."

"When do I leave?" you asked begrudgingly. 

"Tomorrow, 0900 hours."

You heaved out a breath, defeated. "Well, I'd better get ready then."

Pike nodded, standing up on his crutch, leading you out of his office. "For the record, Jim Kirk isn't all that bad. Try to be his friend, it will make it more bearable."

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