To The Moon and Back (Spock x Reader)

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You were pissed. Furious, seething, fuming. Even those were understatements. You had been with Spock for two years. Two years. You loved him, oh god you loved him, but in this moment you couldn't hate him more.

He had gone off and risked his life again, throwing himself into that volcano without a second thought and urging the captain to leave him there, all to protect the prime directive. The first time he tried to sacrifice himself for the good of others you thought he was a hero. Of course, you were worried sick and promptly hit him the second he stepped off the transporter pad before embracing him tightly. The second time, you were a bit irritated but proud of him nonetheless. As the count began to grow your frustration grew with it.

You understood that he was Vulcan and first officer, both giving him duties he had to follow. His duty to his Vulcan heritage was to refrain from showing his emotions, which he typically followed to the T. He had explained to you once that his reason for putting himself in danger was because he knew that he could handle and accept death better than any human aboard. Just because you didn't like it didn't mean that you didn't understand. Him being the first officer meant that he was responsible for the lives of the crew too, which he also explained that it was his duty to keep everyone safe even if it meant sacrificing his own life. What Spock didn't realize, though, was that he had overlooked one other commitment.

His commitment to you.

The Vulcan didn't understand that by devoting himself to his culture and job, he was neglecting his responsibilities to your relationship. As smart as he was, he was still new to having a girlfriend and the commitments and time that was required to keep it alive. Even though two years had passed since you two had begun dating, you were still patient and accepting with his boundaries and his ways. You did love him, after all.

That being said, you were still pissed. And that was why you were avoiding him. You knew that he wouldn't take an outburst of anger from you well, so you tried to avoid the problem altogether instead of facing it. That paired with your fear of confrontation and social awkwardness lead to you going to extremes to avoid your boyfriend. You changed your shift, took different routes to your shifts (one time, you saw him coming down the hall so you literally took the Jefferies tube all the way down to deck seven) and you ate your meals at different times.

Yeah. You hated confrontation.

Your day started out how the last few usually did; you woke up, got dressed, and snuck to the mess as early as possible to avoid your Vulcan S.O. Who you didn't realize you would run into was the captain himself. You crept in the mess, empty besides a few stragglers from the graveyard shift. You weren't looking where you were going while you scanned the room for pointy ears and you collided with Jim's back, enlisting an "oof" from the captain.

Before you could run away, he turned around.



"Oh, hey Jim. What's up?" you asked casually.

Jim scowled, crossing his arms. "Don't 'hey Jim' me. What is going on? You've been avoiding me, Bones, and Spock like the plague all week and the Vulcan is as worried sick as he can be, no pun intended."

You shifted on your feet, the guilt washing over you making you want to curl up in a corner.

"I'm mad at Spock," you muttered.

"Why?" Jim pressed.

Frustration started building up in your chest, the constricting feeling pairing itself with the need to cry.

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