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Brown, red, yellow, and orange leaves crunched under your feet as the crisp, cool air blew through your hair.

Fall was making its appearance. This time of the year was undeniably the most beautiful time of the year. Everything was just perfect.

The heat of the Summer was unfelt.

The frost of the Winter was yet to arrive.

The pollen produced by Spring flowers wasn't alerting allergies.

Fall is just perfect.

"Whatcha thinking about, weirdo," Lisa said, deterring you from your thoughts.

"Nothing much."

"Come on. Tell me what's on your mind this fine morning."

"I can't stand you," you said, trying to hold back a smile.

"But you still love me though. Now tell me what's going on in that head!"

"I was just thinking about the Fall Festival."

"Oh, man! I have to pick a date for this year!"

"Why don't you do what you do every year?"

"What might that be," she smiled knowingly.

"Your usual. You know how you ask the most random person at the most random time. Usually, it being someone that no one expects it to be."

"Oh right!"

"Who do you have your sights on?"

"Wait. I think..."

She stopped walking in order to search for something in her bookbag.

"Aha! I found it!"

"Why do you have a random jar in your bookbag?"

"For this very occasion."

"What is the paper inside?"

"Well, I asked 5 of our other friends to write down 3 names on 3 different pieces of paper a while back. I was going to get you to pick 3 pieces out, and then I would pick from the three that you chose."

"Did you want to do it now before science?"

"How much time do we have before class starts?"

"I think around 15 minutes."

"Yeah. Quite honestly I'm nervous for the candidates this year."

"Why," you questioned, picking out the first name.

"I guess because it's my last year. I know that our friends have put some really good names in here this year."

"Gotcha," you said, drawing the last name. "Here you go."

Lisa carefully examined the folded papers before closing her eyes and reaching for one.

"Who is it?"

As Lisa opened the paper, a look of disbelief was written all over her face.

"It's um..."



"Lisa, who is it?!"


"Come on!"

"It's Ms. Park."

"What now?"

"You heard me, l/n."

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