Chapter 13: Hopes

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Your POV

Shoto quickly took your hands with worry growing in his beautiful different colored eyes. His smile told a different story- a story of happiness. "(y/n), I have an idea... it's terrible at first... but he has to know. I... I can't hide it anymore..."

Your head tilted a bit with curiosity. "He? Shoto, who are you referring to? Hide what?" With every new word spoken out loud, the tone has increasingly sounded like worry as well- mimicking how Shoto was feeling. "Shoto...?"

"Remember that annoying girl, Anita?"

"The one that transferred again to another school?"

"That's her." Shoto said, nodding his head. "I... I want to make our relationship... public. I know... you don't want the public to know... but... I love you and only you, (y/n)." His words touched your heart as his warm hand gently caressed your cheek. "And... I don't want you involved with everything I'm involved in, but I am not getting into an arranged marriage with her. Do you... do you believe me?"

You nodded your head, smiling softly. "I believe you, Shoto."

"Well... I hate the idea... but if your parents allow me- want to stay over at my house? I have an older sister, Fuyumi, and she might be able to share a room with her."

"A-As much as I appreciate the offer," you began with your cheeks growing warm with embarrassment, "but I don't think my parents would approve... you know..."

"But... we can meet up soon for you to meet my father, correct? To help correct whatever mistakes there were. I'm not involved in that arranged marriage, (y/n). I would never want to get into a relationship with that girl. Trust me."

You smiled softly, leaning your head into his warm and soft chest. His arms gently wrapped around you body, pulling you tightly. His fingers slowly combed through your hair, giving him this form of comfort. A few stares were on the two of you, but who really cared? Shoto was caring so much for you, it was time for the secret to be shared with his father. The only hope was that he would accept the two of you as a couple.

*   *   *

Shoto's body was shaking as he was sitting and waiting on the front of his porch for his father. Enji Todoroki was meant to come home soon- by soon, in a few minutes. Shoto's face turned pale as his hands continued to shake with nervous tones. 

You reached out, taking his shaking hands and enveloping it with yours. Shoto's body temporarily stop shaking. His two colored eyes slowly looked up to your face, confused. All you gave him was a soft smile. 

"(y/n)..." He speaks softly with a curious tone.

Scooting across the cemented porch, you lay your head on his shoulders, still holding his hands. "It's alright, Shoto. I'll be here until he comes. You don't need to face it alone- that's what couples are meant for. Please don't forget that."

Now, a calm, peaceful smile ran across his face. "Thanks..." He leans in, kissing your cheek. 

Some scuffling noises behind you startled you, but were quickly relieved when Fuyumi came out with some soda. She offered some, giving you plastic cups. Filling them a little over halfway, you smiled softly and began to chat until the sun began to set. 

A car ran up, stopping its purr. A humongous man walked out, having a scowl on his face. He looked down at the two of you, confused as you and Shoto exchanged a few romantic words. 

"Shoto..." He says with a soft tone. "Who's this?"

Seeing this huge figure wanted to send terror down your spine- wanting you to cry out in fear and running away. But you held your ground. Shoto scooted closer to you, kissing your cheek in front of his father.


Shoto then gives a weird look, giving a soft growl as well. "You want to know why I disapprove that arrange marriage? It's because I am already in a relationship. This is (y/n), now I demand that you give her the upmost respect. I love her- and that's the end of the story."

He rises from the porch, holding your hand. 

"Come on, I'll drop you off home, (y/n)."


"Let's go."

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