Chapter 6: Weekend Date

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Your POV

"How about it?" Shoto asked softly with his hand gripping on yours. It was during lunch when he had asked this question, which always made you blush. It wasn't like it was in front of the other kids or in front of friends- just in private in the courtyard. One or two students were littered around the courtyard. "You and me at the mall... having a nice lunch together. How about it?"

Your cheeks were completely red when he repeated his question. Shoto was asking you out on a date- and it's been a few weeks since you first met him. Stunned for words, you looked down. "W-Well... a-as long as my parents approval of it... then... yes, I-I'll go with you..."

He smiles softly, holding you tightly. "I'll be looking forward to this weekend then- hopefully your parents do say yes."

*   *   *

Your hands were shaking a bit when you waited outside of the mall. A few minutes earlier, your parents had dropped you off with your friend Chie. They weren't exactly approving too much with you hanging out with a boy. They only accepted you hanging out with the boy as long as Chie was with you. Of course, you had to update Shoto about the new changes of plans, but he accepted it. Said that he would accept anything what your parents said.

"A date with Shoto..." Chie says softly, chuckling a bit. "Sorry to be the third wheel to your little date."

You shook your head, chuckling softly. "That's fine. Besides, it'll take a bit of time before my parents actually accept Shoto. This is just one of the ways that they would learn to accept Shoto."

"But still... you had to drag me along...? I-I won't barge in but... I think it's so cute that he's trying to ask you out- could I be your bridesmaid when it comes to your wedding with him? I think that'll be something incredible to see."

Suddenly, your cheeks turned bright red, and you pushed Chie softly. "W-We don't know if it'll reach that far! Don't think that too far ahead! A-All I know is that we could become boyfriend and girlfriend... m-marriage is so far ahead!"

Chie gives a slight smirk, chuckling softly. "Planning doesn't hurt."

"S-Still! S-Shoto and I..."

"What about me?" You jumped slightly, turning to see Shoto walking up. He had his hair dyed brown once more, but this time... it seemed that he put some sort of makeup on my face. You knew this because his burn mark wasn't over his eye anymore. It almost... disappeared. Shoto smiled softly, walking next to you and taking your hand. "I guess you didn't hear me the first time... what are you guys talking about me? Hopefully not bad things." He says those last words with a hint of humor.

"S-Shoto!" You say, continued to be surprised. "I-It wasn't bad..."

He chuckles softly, kissing your cheek a bit. "I was somewhat joking. Don't mind me."

Chie chuckles softly, turning her face away. "Again, I'm sorry I had to be the one to crash your little date. Y-You guys do your little lovey-dovey thing. I won't barge in too much- well, I'll try not to."

You chuckled softly, and Shoto just gives a gentle smile. "That's fine. I have no reason to disobey (y/n)'s parents. We can do everything together- though I can just stay hanging off to the side."

You and Chie chuckled a bit, accepting whatever Shoto was proposing. "Well... if you don't mind, let's go through the clothing stores a bit." Chie says, looking towards Shoto. "The annual school dance is in a few months- and we should prepare ourselves for that time. We're looking for a dress- maybe we can find some sort of suit for you, Shoto?"

Shoto waved it away, chuckling a bit. "I've got a ton of suits back at home... I hate it, but I can put one to good use."

"Let's go shopping first- maybe just one hour of shopping before going to the food court for lunch?" You suggested, perking up as the three of you begin to walk inside the mall. "That way we can figure out what we want for lunch as we're shopping."

Shoto leaned close to you, chuckling softly. "Sounds like a plan."

*   *   *

"C-Chie... I-I don't know about this..." You say as she was helping you with the dress she thought as cute on you. Your fingers carefully picked at the black fabric. "I-I really don't know. There's no feelings with this dress."

Chie chuckled softly, turning you towards the mirror. "I think it's pretty cute. The sparkly blue sash over the black dress- it has beautiful colors. Plus, I think if you slightly dye your hair blue or purple... it'll match."

"W-What if I don't want to dye my hair that color?! Then what?!"

She begins to push you towards the front entrance, where Shoto was waiting. "Well, we can get Shoto's opinion! I bet he'll ask you out on as his date!" 

Chie finally pushed you out of the changing room, glancing towards Shoto. He was busy scrolling through his phone, minding his own business as he was waiting for the girls to finish up with their dress shopping. 

"Yo, Shoto," she says, giving a soft chuckle, "what do think? Does (y/n) look cute in this dress?"

Shoto had this surprised face- almost like his jaw dropped to the ground. His pupils grew a bit small as he continued to stare at you. You tried to shield your face from Shoto, but it wasn't much.

"W-Well... u-uh..." He begins to stammer his words, not able to speak a word. "Y-You look... cute..."

Could a red face become redder?

"See?" Chie chuckled, puffing her chest with pride. "(y/n), you're cute in that dress. Poor Shoto can't even speak a single word about your appearance. Come on, we'll buy that dress for you to wear at the dance. I'm starving..."

"W-We're not looking for a dress for you yet?"

Chie looks down at her phone, sighing a bit heavily. "Sorry... but we spent a little over an hour searching for your dress. I bet Shoto's famished as well. It'll be a quick pay- promise. First, let's get that dress off of you."

You turned to Shoto, you tried to go back to his phone, but wouldn't stop glancing his eyes at you. "O-Okay then..." You smiled softly, calling out to him. "S-Sorry for taking too long- we'll hurry up when paying."

Shoto nodded his head, still avoiding you, but he continued to give quick glances. "I-It's alright... I-I can wait for you girls."

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