Chapter 3: Bluffing

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Your POV

Once Todoroki had faded from view, Chie practically jumped onto you. "Y-You're chatting casually to the Shoto Todoroki?! I-I can't believe it! I guess I owe you $10... I'll get you the money tomorrow- but still..."

You waved it off, chuckling a bit. "Maybe the Shoto Todoroki you were hypnotized into believing was a completely different version of him. He was completely different. I doubt he would get along well enough with the popular girls. Besides... he was... nicer... and kinder."

"Still! It's the Shoto Todoroki!"

"Keep it down, will ya?" You say through a bit of gritted teeth. It wasn't enough to scare Chie- just enough so she can understand to stop talking loudly. "Let's just be friends with him, okay? I rather be friends with him than to never talk to him. What do you say?"

Chie nodded her head, chuckling softly. "Alright, alright. What are you gonna get him?"

"Maybe... maybe one of the school cookies? I don't know what he would want..."

Chie began to shrug her shoulders. "I don't know. Go with your gut. He entrusted you to get him something- not me. Sheesh... lucky girl..."

"Are you... jealous?" 

Her face turned utterly red as she turns and pouts a bit. "N-No! Well... maybe... sheesh... yes, I am jealous. You know why? I've been somewhat entranced of seeing this Shoto Todoroki- and you had the honor to be with him first. It breaks my heart..."

You chuckled softly, giving your friend a hug. "We can still be friends. We're always friends. You hear that Chie? We're just friends."

*   *   *

Todoroki's POV

"I don't think hoods are a regulation here." I slightly looked up, seeing these 3 girls. In a way, they scared me because these were girls who seemed that everything revolved around them. Their hair was down and in different colors. One had black hair, another had brown hair, and the last one had dirty blonde hair. The leader, the one talking to me, had the brown hair. "Excuse me... do you hear me?"

"I hear you." I say softly, trying to pull the hood down more. If what (y/n) said was true... I wouldn't be surprised to know if these girls were after finding me. "Just leave me alone."

"At least follow the school's regulations- no hoods!"

"Last I checked... there was no rules against wearing hoodies." I say with a heavy sigh. "Unless you're with security, I don't have to listen to you. Now please, leave me be. I'm not barging on your personal lives."

The girl scoffed, reaching and grabbing my hoodie. "I am in charge of the fashion police. So take that-" Right before she could even say her last words, it seemed that she was choking on them. She already tore off the hoodie off my head. "U-Uh... S-Shoto... Todoroki...?"

I scowled a bit, shaking my head and getting up from the bench. "Is that how most girls act at a public high school?" I shook my head, clearly disappointed in the whole school. "At least I've meet some normalized people..."

"S-Shoto Todoroki- I-I didn't know it was you-"

I held up my hand, stopping her from speaking more. "Enough. Just don't talk to me anymore. I don't want to get involved with you if you treat others like that. I rather not be acquaintances with those who act so childish."

The girl tried to plea onto me, but I shook my head.

Firm with my words. "Leave me." I tried to say it sternly, but apparently I only caused more people to come near me. "I don't believe I should be with people like you guys. You want to be mean to people because of what they wear? Immature." I scoffed, trying to walk into the cafeteria, trying to see where that (y/n) girl went.

The girl ran up to me, tugging on my arm. "P-Please, I-I didn't mean it!"


My eyes finally caught onto the girl I saw before, and I went over to her. The surprised expression on her face... "S-Shoto? What's wrong?"

I put my hands on her shoulders, whispering into her ear. "Play along with me, okay? Just... try to pretend we know each other well. Like we were childhood friends. Your friend can join in as well."


The girl made her appearance, scoffing a bit. "What's (y/n) doing with Shoto?"

(y/n) slowly spoke up, clearly a bit afraid. But when I held her hand... it seemed to have built up more courage in her. "I-I'm his friend..."

"You? You know Shoto Todoroki? I don't believe it. She's completely unknown."

I leaned close to (y/n), holding her tightly. "I do know her. She's been a friend of mine ever since we were kids."


"It's true."

"C-Can you please leave Shoto alone?" (y/n) says with a stern tone, staring ahead and forward. "It is his first day here after all. He shouldn't be bombarded by people like you who only wants to get close to someone who's almost a celebrity. He just wants a calm, quiet place to study at. Keep up all this work, he might have to move schools again."

I could tell that she was bluffing... and I just hope that this girl would accept the bluff. "I'm already not getting a good... I guess environment here. Maybe I should transfer to that other school? You know..."

"S-Sorry, Shoto..." (y/n) bowed her head a bit, but I held her up by the shoulders. 

"It's alright." Soon enough the girl had disappeared, and I was able to breathe properly. "Thanks for that support, (y/n)... really... I'm thankful for that."

She smiles softly, nearly chuckling a bit more. "I'm guessing that was a bad run in with her, huh?"

"Who is she?"

(y/n) gave a slight shrug on her shoulders, sighing heavily. "Some popular girl. Part of the cheerleaders- no. She is the leader of the cheerleaders. It's just so... annoying when she believes that she's entitled to everything."

I sighed, shaking my head and pulling my hoodie over my head again. "I hate those kind of people..." I darted my eyes towards (y/n), giving a soft smile towards her. "Well... I'm glad that I've met you instead of that girl. I would've walked out the second that I encountered her."

"Then... I'm glad... I'm glad I was the first one you've met."

"Show me around class the school then?"

"O-Of course."

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