Chapter 8: Exchange

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Todoroki's POV

Just a week after the shopping date, (y/n) said that her parents wanted to talk with me. They offered me a ride to this small restaurant- but even though I denied this request... I somehow allowed them to take me out. I gave a nervous chuckle as I drove up to their house. (y/n) was sitting on her front porch, keeping an eye out. The second I pulled up... I saw her smile grow.

"Shoto!" She calls my name as I got out of my car. She turns inside the house, shouting something to her parents before running towards me. She wrapped her arms around me, smiling brightly. "You're a bit early."

I chuckled a bit, pecking a small kiss on her cheek. "Better early than to give a bad impression on your parents by being late."


"(y/n)." I turned over to see a familiar elderly looking man- her father. He smiled towards me, walking out of the front door and off towards me. "Is that him?"

(y/n) nodded her head, smiling softly. "Yeah!" She took my hand, pulling me towards the father. "Shoto, this is my dad; Dad, this is Shoto."

The father walked up to me, and I could feel this energy of threatening vibe, but also kind. "Shoto, huh? I believe I remember your last name... Todoroki, was it?"


"The Todoroki?"

"I doubt there's any other Shoto Todoroki in the world, sir." I say with an amusing chuckle. "But yes, I am Shoto Todoroki- son of Enji Todoroki."

The father gave me a light chuckle, smiling softly. "Well, it's an honor to have dinner with a celebrity like you. My memory isn't as quite as good, so I've always forgot your name. I just hope that we won't hassle you too much and taking too much time-"

"Sir, it's completely fine." I say with a smile, looking at (y/n) with a gentle glance. "It doesn't bother me taking my time with (y/n) here. I would gladly give up my free time to be with her. Besides, there's not much to call me a celebrity. People just make too much of a deal with it. I'm just an heir- that's all."

"Just an heir? You must've had a lot of girls lined up to even meet you."


"What? I just think it's cute that out of all the girls he's seen or have met, you're the only one that he chose. Don't you agree, Shoto?"

I chuckled softly, nodding my head. "Yeah. Honestly... all the girls that I've seen had been... let's just say too entitled. Everyone demanded something... but (y/n) didn't want anything. I was just stunned to know that she wasn't dating anyone when we first met."

I looked towards (y/n), who was trying to hide her face in shame. Pulling her close, I chuckled softly and whispered a bit in her ear. 

"It's a compliment, (y/n). Why are you embarrassed?"

Her shoulders began to shrug as she continued to hide her face. "W-Well... i-it's just a bit embarrassing, Shoto..."

My arms then wrapped around her as I pulled her close. "I see then... it's alright. There's no need to be embarrassed anymore."

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