Chapter 13 Prepare

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Still shaken by Joseph showing up at school, Samantha keeps herself wrapped around Killian the entire way home. Killian doesn't mind of course, the girl is still tiny to him, and he holds her securely, making her feel safe.

Samantha's chin rests on Killian's shoulder, and her hands remain clasped around his neck as he attempts to put her down. He chuckles, realizing the little girl is practically glued to him. "Love, it's okay you're home," Killian says gently placing her down on counter.

"I should check her over, and make sure she's not hurt anywhere," Regina suggests. "She's a tough little lass," Killian said. "How about we play go fish?" Henry asks.

Samantha nods at him, "Good, Henry you get cards, and I'll clean her up and check her out," Regina picks up Samantha, "and Papa will make..."

"Trout?" Killian answers.

Regina scowls and scrunches her nose in disgust, "I was thinking more like ice cream for her," Regina hints. "Before dinner?" Sam mutters. "Well I think this one time," Regina winked, and carried her upstairs.

The group entertained Samantha through the evening, and she seemed to go to sleep peacefully.

In Regina and Killian's room, "I can't believe you didn't let me kill him," Killian sighs. "In front of her?" Regina scolds. "Well, still," Killian sulks.

Killian takes off his boots, and Regina fluffs their comforter, preparing for bed, until a yelp is heard and feet running down the hallway.

"Papa!!" Samantha bolts into their room. "Woah, okay, it's okay," Killian catches her into his arms. "Papa," She whimpers against him.

"It's okay sweetheart," Regina pats her back gently. "Well I'm guessing she's fitting in this bed tonight," Killian picks up the little girl, and settles into his side of the bed.

As the night deepens, Samantha stretches her petite body across Killian's chest towards Regina's body. By the crack of dawn, the child's legs and feet rest on Killian's chest and her head and hand wrap around Regina's tummy.

Regina smiles, looking down at the little girl snuggled onto her tummy, before she attempts stretching. Gently she traces the little girl's cheek waking her.

"Ow," Killian grunts, feeling Sam's foot kick up towards his face. "Mmm," he holds her foot and looks towards Regina.

"We should get used to this," Regina laughs.

Months later Samantha is alright to go back to her own room. Regina's bump is growing steady and they're told the baby is healthy.

Regina went back and forth on finding out what the baby was, but they decided to just wait and see upon delivery.

Killian comes through the door one afternoon and makes his way up the stairs. He hears some soft giggles, and the clanging, like a spoon against a bowl.

Slowly, he peeks into the bedroom. A smile instantly graces his face as he looks at Samantha sitting on Regina's legs, with her hands on the rounded bump in front of her.

Regina smiles, and has a bowl on top of her belly, and is spooning ice cream back and forth between the two of them.

Killian stares silently at the two, and steps away slowly leaving them to their afternoon treat. He spots Henry coming up the stairs, "Hey," He says quietly.

"Uhh, Sam and your mum are having a little bonding time, what do you say we do that?" He suggests. "Really?" Henry asks. "Yeah, can tell you some stories about your Dad," Killian smirks.

"Cool, let's go," Henry heads down the stairs, with Killian following behind.

That night, "Okay miss, let's go to bed," Killian says as Samantha sits on their large bed. Regina rubs her hand in circles over her baby bump as Sam stands up on the bed.

"But my tummy hurts," She whines at Killian. "Okay, I don't think it hurts, I think you are sympathizing with your mummy, luckily only two more months of discomfort," he says booping her nose.

"Okay, but story!!" Samantha hops down and rushes fo her room.

Samantha is tucked into bed and sound asleep, Regina finally got herself comfortable and settled into a sleep as well.

Killian, however, was restless.

"Mm.. AHH!" he sits up jolting awake. His brow is sweaty and he looks over to Regina, who's sound asleep.

Sighing, he puts his feet on the floor, and heads out of the room. Opening Samantha's door, he peers in and sees her sound asleep. A few more paces down the hall, he opens Henry's door, and he's also sound asleep.

Killian sits downstairs, pouring himself a glass of rum in the soft lit kitchen. The full lights click on, "There you are," Regina enters.

"Did I wake you?" He asks. "No, this baby is right against my bladder," Regina chuckled. "You okay? This is the third night you've gotten up and been down here," Regina pressed.

"No, love I'm fine," He denies.

"You really think that's gonna work?" Regina scoffs. "What?" He shrugs. "I know you better than anyone, except maybe Smee," she smirks, "I know when something is bothering you," Regina says.

"I've just been having, visions or dreams of things happening," He stands and looks out the back windows of the kitchen. "What kind?" She asks, sitting down.

"Something happening to one of the kids, Henry or Samantha," He sighs. "Oh, I actually read about that," Regina mused. "What?" he turns to her.

"In one of the books, it said it was normal for either parent to have terrifying dreams of something happening to one of the kids, if they have multiple to look after," Regina explained. "Why is that?" he asks.

"Something about the mind worrying about being responsible for another life, the baby," Regina said.

"Ah, that makes sense," He sighs. "Hey, I know how to take care of a baby at least, and we have a whole bunch of people that will want to help, you really think Mary Margaret will stay away from this kid?" Regina mocked.

"That's true," Killian breathes. "I know you're used to rowdy men, but you'll learn, just like you did with Samantha," Regina assures. "Why is it that you're the only one to believe in me?" He asks.

"Well I'm not the only one, Samantha was first," Regina smiled.

Easing Killian's worry, the couple moves closer to delivery, Samantha's excitement grows, and final touches are put onto the nursery.

"Ugh," Regina sighs onto the sofa. "Uncomfortable?" Killian asks. "I'm tired, and I just want them to come out," she pouts.

"Well you do have magic," He suggests. "I don't think magic can make them come faster at this point," Regina chuckles.

"You're mommy, can't you tell what to do?" Samantha asks. "I wish I could, I miss what my feet look like," Regina moped.

Killian chuckles, "I think we're mostly prepared though now," he mused.

"Ohhh," Regina groans. "What?" Killian asks. "I hope you mean that, because my water just broke," Regina heaves her breaths.

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