Chapter 1 Save

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Captain Killian Jones, otherwise known as Captain Hook, trudges his way through the outskirts of a small village in the enchanted forest. With two members of his crew, including his first mate Smee, they gather various supplies in the wooded area. 

As pirates, they have no guilt in stopping random wagons and robbing them, but on this particular day, with dreary weather, the area was empty. 

Spotting a line of smoke from what seemed like a chimney, the Captain leads them towards it. His first plan being, steal supplies from whatever home it may be. 

The Captain pauses and between the bushes stares. He sees a small child, no more than five, attempting to carry pieces of wood. 

She trips and falls, dropping them, and as she shakily tries to pick them up. 

"You insulant little waste!!" a man, comes marching out of the cottage. "Can you do anything right?!" He scolds harshly and tugs a pliable stick to his hand. Grasping it, he swishes it in the air, and hoovers over the little girl. 

She crawls backwards, terrified, as the stick raises. 

Suddenly, the stick is caught mid air, and whipped from his hand. Turning around, he sees a man in black leather, with a hook standing just a bit over him.

"Who the?" The man scoffs and the pirate Captain looks past him to see the scared little girl on the ground.

The pirate captain steps around and looks at the little girl. She's somewhat dirty, and very afraid.

"You think it's necessary to hit a small girl with a stick?" the Captain mused a bit frustrated.

"I don't see how that's your business, get off my land," the man scoffs. "The child is a petulant little thing," the man snaps.

"Really? From where I saw, the little girl was trying to do your manual labor, which she's clearly too small for, and you got angry that she dropped something," the Captain was calm and collected.

"What I do with her isn't your concern," the man snapped.

"Well I'm making it mine," the Captain glared at him harshly.

Turning his attention now to the little girl. Her eyes were a dark hazel, and her hair was somewhere between a dusty blonde and a light brown. She had a soft and innocent face.

He kneels his leather pant on the ground, "What's your name lass?" He asks, taking one of her hands and helping her up.

"I'm Samantha," She mutters shyly. "I'm Captain Killian Jones," he says still gently holding he small hand. "Ow," she flinches.

Killian gently turns her hand over to see her palm welted. "Did he do that?" he asks softly. "He doesn't like my magic," She says softly.

Captain Killian Jones stands up, "Bit harsh on your daughter don't you think?" he mused.

"Oh she's not mine, my late wife insisted we took her in, then she has the devil's sorcery in her," he scoffs.

"I see, well then," Killian turns back to the little one, "How would you like to come with me? I'm a Captain, on a ship," He said gently.

"You'll be safe there, no one will hurt you like he did," Killian tells her. "Who do you think?" the man begins ,and the Captain's first mates tug him backward.

Killian picks up the little girl in one arm, "you can't just take her, she's mine," the man says.

"You just said she's not blood, and you clearly don't care about her, and are you really going to challenge Captain Hook?" He leers at him.

The little girl is unafraid of the Captain, he's the first person who's ever come to her rescue at the harsh hands of her adoptive father.

The man stays silent and backs off, and the Captain takes the little girl. 

Looking over the shoulder of the man who rescued her, she stares back at her former adoptive parent. 

Something had gone off in the Captain that day. 

As a young boy abandoned by his own father, he suffered under age 10 at the hands of an abusive Captain himself. Treated like a servant until he was into his early twenties. 

Now, a confident Captain over age thirty, he wasn't about to let a small girl suffer in the same way. 

Captain Killian Jones was a man of physically early thirties, but he had spent hundreds of years in Neverland, where you don't age. Very wise beyond his physical appearance, he knew what it looked like when someone was suffering. 

Finally making his way back to the Enchanted Forest, he settled back into his pirate life. However, on this day when he took Samantha, he committed to taking charge of this child. Having a prior experience many years ago where he gave up a child, out of revenge, he swore to never abandon another child again. 

"Are you really going to keep her Cap'n?" Smee asks. "Can't very well leave her there now can I?" Killian shifts the child in his arm. 

"Now, Samantha you say? What was your Father's name back there?" Killian asks. "He made me call his Joseph," Samantha uttered. 

"I see," Killian nodded. 

"Here we are, the Jolly Roger," Killian announces. Samantha's eyes widen excitedly staring at the large ship. "I stay with you now?" she asks softly.

"Yes," he nods. "How old are you?" He asks. "Five," She answers. 

"Smee, go into town, and get the child some clothes," Killian hands him some coins. "Uhh..." Smee confuses. "Just tell whomever that she's five, I'm sure they'll know," Killian instructs. 

"Now, this is the ship, as you can see, it's very big, attention MEN!" Killian's voice booms. "We have a new member of the crew," he places the little girl next to him.

"This is Samantha, watch your language while she's around, she's in my charge. Protect her if need be, understood?" Killian commands. 

"Come," he walks towards the steps to go below deck, and the child follows him. He steps downward and lifts the little girl down to him.

"I'll get a place for you to sleep, for now you can come to my space here." he leads her down the hallway. 

Samantha looks around curiously at the things in the sleeping quarters, and not long later Smee makes an appearance.

"Here you are Captain," he leaves Killian with a pile of children's clothes. 

Killian pours some water in a small basin bowl, "Come here, we should clean you up," Killian said gently. 

The little girl comes to him and allows him to gently wash her face, going to her hands he looks at the red welt across her tiny palm, sighing about it. 

"What do I call you?" She asks shyly. 

"Well, I think it quite impersonal you call me Captain, and Killian is a bit inappropriate for a little girl, so you can call me Papa, if you wish," he says.

She smiles softly at him, "I think I'll call you Sam for short, do you like that?" he asks. She nodded at him. 

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