Chapter 8 Honest

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"Well this should be interesting," Neal takes a deep breath and heads to the counter. "Hey," he taps the black leather jacket. 

"Hey," Killian quirked. "Do I know you?" he asks. "You did, once," Neal nods. "Want to refresh?" Killian asks. 

"Here you go little one, some chicken, vegetables, and cake for dessert, glass of milk," Granny placed a plate and things in front of Samantha. "Thank you, there we go come on eat up," Killian tucks a napkin in Sam's dress shirt.

Killian turns back to Neal. "Well I'll just say Neverland and hope you remember," Neal said. Killian blinks a moment trying to find the memory and make a connection.

"Baelfire," Neal said. "I go by Neal now," he adds. 

"Bloody hell, you grew up," Killian nodded, having a small proud look on his face. "Yeah, you look the same, but about one six year old older," Neal looks towards Samantha. "Yeah, well, it's umm good to see you," Killian smirks. 

"Your boy has a resemblance to you," Killian said. "Yeah, he does," Neal smiles softly. "So you sticking around?" Neal asks.

"I mean, yes, I've got some things to sort out from the past," Killian says, staring towards Regina the entire beat of his sentence. 

The next day 

"Papa, we staying here now?" Samantha asks. "Uhh yes, for a bit, do you like it here?" Killian asks. "I don't know, I like the swings," Samantha said. 

"Okay, good," He chuckles. "You all right staying with Smee today? Possibly tonight?" He asks. Samantha sighs heavily at him. 

"Okay, how about I find someone cool and new to watch you?" He asks. "Who?" Samantha asks. "Give me a bit," he winks. 

Heading to Granny's, "Uhh, Granny, question, anyone more interesting than a first mate to watch  my daughter?" He asks. 

"I'll watch her," Neal offers. "Really?" Killian asks. "Yeah, can tell her old stories about you," Neal chuckles. "Good ones please?" Killian asks. "Yeah, will be my way of repaying you for watching after me," Neal said. 

"Great, thanks, she's on the ship, she'll be happy to see someone other than Smee," Killian said. 

With Samantha in care, Killian made his way to where he knew Regina's office was. 

"Captain." She startles as he enters. "Regina.." he nods.

"Where's the little one?" She asks. "On the ship, with her step-brother?" He quirks. 

"I owe you a night out," He smirks. "Excuse me?" Regina scoffs. "Well, to make an honest woman out of you, sort of," He shrugs. 

"You don't have to do that," Regina denies. "Come on, when is the last time, if ever, you got out and had a nice evening out?" Killian asks. 

"I don't see why that's your business," She refutes. 

"I'm a bit reformed, and since we spent time in bed together, I would like to properly escort you out," He said. "I don't want to," Regina refuses. 

"That wasn't convincing, and I've already arranged someone to watch Samantha and she will be quite upset if I come back too early and she doesn't get to stay up having treats," Killian mused. 

"So I have to let you take me out because of that?" Regina asks. "Well that's just one excuse. I could also use the excuse that the time we did spend together was a bit more enjoyable than you like to let on," He smirked. 

Regina rolled her eyes dramatically. 

"Come on, don't make a man beg," He says softly. Regina sighs, "Fine, I'll let you take my out, just once," Regina states. 

"Mmm," he grins playfully. "Just once Killian," Regina repeats. 

 Killian's eyes dance upward and he paces backwards from the office. Regina shifts in her desk avoiding looking at him, until he gets out the door, and her eyes flick up. 

"Oh boy," she sighs.

As Regina shifts in her dress, feeling more anxious than she thought she would. Remembering the feel of Killian so long ago under the material, as the knock is heard on the door. 

Opening the door, "Hello," She breathes. "Hi," Killian smirked. "Different vest," Regina observes. "Same vest as when I first met you," He smirked.

"Well, different from earlier, I mean," She shrugs. 

"Right, shall we?" He asks. "Where are you even taking me? You just got here," She says. "Well, I spent the day learning about the town. I am a Captain, I do know how to navigate," he said. 

Regina couldn't help staring at the jaw on Killian. Things that were there before, she noticed now more than ever. The pattern of his scruff, the way she only hit his chest in her height, even in heels. 

Killian escorted Regina out and it was indeed a night out that Regina didn't expect. She took Killian back to her office. 

"You keep booze in your office?" He asks. "Just look," she stands at the window. "Nice view of the town, that you created," He said, gently rubbing his fingers on her arm.

"What are you doing?" She sighed. "What?" he says coyly. "Killian, we slept together, once, it was a one night stand," She said. 

"And? It's thirty years later, and we have kids," he said. "And?" Regina adds. "Come on Regina," he shakes his head. 

"It didn't mean anything," she scoffs. "Maybe it did to me," He blurts out.

Regina blinks up at him, dumbfounded, with her jaw dropped open. "Wha---" she can't finish. 

"You know, your mouth opened like that, you look like a codfish. I want to kiss you," he said. 

Regina stood silently, gawking, as Killian moved slowly closer. His fingers reach to the side of her face, and tuck her hair behind an ear. 

"Mmm? Just don't bite me," he utters and lowers his mouth to hers. With a thumb under her chin, Killian draws Regina up to his mouth. 

Meeting his lips, her warm touch grows as his lips move over hers. She receives and gives back pushing herself higher, as his arm envelopes her waist to help her upward more. 

"That night wasn't just a one night stand," He whispered. "Really?" She asks. "You may think you had your cover on, but I saw through that royal facade," he said. 

"What did you see?" Regina asks. "That's for another night," He winked. "You know, I think the Evil Queen, just wanted to be loved," he said.

"What? You got that from one night?" She asks. "I got that thirty years ago, but you just confirmed it, just now," He said. 

"Well that's.... new," Regina breathed. "What is?" He asked. "Someone, seeing past the Evil Queen," She said. 

"Well I'm sure your boy does," he said. "He does, does Samantha with you?" She asks. 

"Yes, she does, because I'm honest with her," He said. "Just like I'm being honest with you," He said. 

"Anything else you want to be honest about?" She asks. "I think that's a good start for tonight," he smiled. 

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