Chapter 11 Father

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"You know, I know it's only been a few weeks, but we're sort of settling in here quite nicely don't you think?" Killian gently strokes his fingers on Regina's arm as she pours morning coffee. "I agree, it's nice to have more than just Henry and I," Regina mused.

"I think while Sam can't fully understand, I  think she's probably better here than on a ship full of    rambunctious men," He smiled. "She certainly seems it," Regina agrees. 

"At least you get your fill of that still at the White Rabbit some nights," Regina mentions. "Mmm, gives me something to do, since apparently being with the Mayor gives me responsibilities I didn't have before," He says with a smirk. 

"What does that mean? You always had Sam to look after, I'm not that much more difficult," Regina puts her hands on her hips. "Mmm, no, just different needs," he says sultrily, tipping her chin up.

"Well, that's different," she blushes. 

"Papa, I can't find my wooden sword," Samantha enters the kitchen, she huffs putting her hands on her hips. "Mmm, weren't you practicing with Henry?" He reminds. "Oh! Henry!!" Samantha runs off.

Killian chuckles. "You know that child is so much like you," Killian mentions. "What do you mean?" Regina asks. 

Killian gazes at the shape of her, her hands on her hips. "Well Samantha certainly stands like that when she's frustrated," he observes. "Well, that's a common thing," Regina scoffs. 

"I wonder, aside from some of her looks, what else does Sam have in common with her father?" Killian asks.

"You really want me to talk about Daniel?" Regina asks. "Regina I'm over three hundred, and we're in a pretty serious relationship, I'm not going to be jealous of your first love," He said. 

"Well I didn't know, if you wanted to hear about that. It was first love, like you said, that buzzing, feeling that you have when you're young," Regina describes.

"It's not like the type of love you feel later," She sighs looking up to his eyes. Killian smiles, sensing her nervousness, and what she's trying to say. 

"Hey, I love you too," he says first. Regina's eyes brighten, "Really?" She gasps. He can't help but chuckle at her surprise. "Yeah, so, continue, Sam's father," he says gently. 

"Well, he was the Stable attendant," Regina describes. 

The group continued to adjust to life together as a more stable family, and Killian walked Samantha to school regularly. 

On a particular day she was more quiet than usual. "Hey," Killian squeezes her hand to get her attention. "Yes Papa?" Sam looks up to him.

"Are you alright? You normally talk my ear off every morning," He said. "I'm okay," She tells him. "Okay, you sure?" he asks once more bending down to her level.

"Yes," she nods, and kisses his cheek. "Okay, see you later." he says, standing up, putting his hand on his belt buckle. Killian's typical stance, even in some new attire in Storybrooke, he still stands the same way, and won't ever be without his sword. 

He knows Samantha well enough, given she was six with him for over 28 years, he knows the child as well as anyone can. 

"I think Samantha is off," Killian walks into Regina's office. "Oh?" She startles and looks up from her desk, closing the drawer quickly. "What are you hiding?" He smirks. 

"Nothing," Regina shakes her head. "Oh come on Regina, I know you better than most, that is a guilty look," he says stepping towards her desk. She presses his gently, but his hand opens the drawer. 

He quirks his brow picking up the thin white stick. "What's this?" He asks. "Well, that's... a test," Regina said. "Okay? It says yes, what's the question?" He asks. 

"Ummm, you're going to be a father again," She announces. His eyes expand at her. "Uhhh?" he shakes his head. 

"I'm pregnant, or expecting, whatever you call it," Regina said. "Really?" He looks at the white stick in his hand. "Yeah this is a modern way of telling," Regina takes it from his hand.

"Well," He smirks. "What?" She asks. "Well, I really should make an honest woman out of you," he said. 

"Oh Killian," She sighs, and he lifts her hands to his lips. "How big you think this finger is of yours?" He asks. "Killian.." She shakes her head. 

He examines her ring finger a moment, and takes his right hand up to his mouth, wrapping his teeth around his pinky ring. 

Regina can't help feel a slight excitement inside her, not just because of what he is doing, but the look in his eyes, and how he is doing it. 

He takes the ring in his fingers and gestures her to hold her hand out. Taking a deep breath, she does, and he slides his pinky ring onto her ring finger. "Good enough for now," he squeezes her hand in his.

Regina heads to pick up Samantha that day, "Mommy!" Samantha runs out to her. "Hi Mom," Henry close behind. 

"Hi," She beams at the two, "Grandpa was gonna let me go to the station, can I?" Henry asks. "Sure,"Regina nods, and Henry kisses her goodbye. 

"So, Sam, Papa told me that you were a little sad this morning and not feeling very talkative," Regina kneels. 

"Is your magic acting up?" Regina inspects her daughter's hand. "No," Samantha shakes her head. 

"Well then what is it?" Regina asks. "I don't want to hurt Papa's feelings," Samantha reveals. "About what?"Regina asks.

"I wanted to ask you if I'm like my other Papa," Samantha says softly. "Oh, I don't think your Papa will be sad, he asked me if you're like him too," Regina tells her. "He did?" Samantha brightens.

Getting home, Killian is there, "I found someone's toy sword," he holds it up. "Umm, Killian, Samantha wants to talk about something but she didn't want you to be sad," Regina tells him.

"What?" Killian props Samantha on his knee. "I wanted to ask Mommy about my Other Papa," Samantha admits. 

"Oh, well that's good," Killian assures. "You aren't sad?" Samantha asks. "No, everyone should know where they came from," He smiles gently. 

"Your other Papa, was someone who took care of horses," Regina tells her. Samantha gasps. "I can do that," she glees. 

"Mm, she's actually a natural on a horse, must get it from him," Killian tickles her cheek. "Can we do that?" Samantha asks. "Sure we can," Regina promises. 

"And, you have your other Papa's eyes, and his hair," Regina tells her. "Do you love both my Papas?" Samantha asks. 

Regina smiles gently at Killian, "There are all kinds of love, and I definitely loved your Papa, we were very young. And I love your Papa here too, very much," She tells her. 

"Why don't you go change from your school clothes and we'll go meet up with Henry, and Bae?" Killian suggests. Samantha skips excitedly off.

Regina presses against Killian, "At least she has two good fathers, considering," she sighs.

"Oh Regina, we don't count him, he didn't even let her call him Papa, that's not a father," he said. 

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